Middle Service - Semantic Analyzer for the project SEO.
You need a Docker environment to use it and two databases, MongoDB and MySQL.
Mongodb is the hot base : the spider save the pages, you have a wonderfull datalack with to work.
MySQL is the cold base : the script save the results, the front can show the data as they like.
Copy the file example.config.json and rename it as "config.json".
In the config.json, you have to add the credential informations for the databases.
Execute on your command line :
$ docker-compose up -d
It's run !
Simple, you have to remove the line "/bin/bash /home/pysemantic" in the entrypoint.
If you wan't to debugging the python script :
$ docker exec pysemantic /bin/bash /home/pysemantic.sh
It's sweet. Thank you so much !
But I don't have any bitcoin address to available now. I will be back ...