A flutter project built on MVVM design pattern, structured with riverpod, shared preferences, retrofit, goRouter.
Things to do when you setup your project with riverpod structure:
1- After replacing the Manifest Make sure of changing android:label, then change host name for deeplinking from ../android/app/src/main/Android.Manifest.xml for android, and search for (), then change the host name in http and https. and same for ios from ..ios/Runner/info.plist, and search for flutterbooksample.com, then change the name to your host name.
2- run these commands: flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main , flutter pub global run rename --bundleId , flutter pub global run rename --appname , in search replace (package:app) with (package:) to change your app package name and name.
3- change app name from pubspec.yaml and from main.dart.
4- dart pub global activate flutter_gen & flutter pub global activate build_runner & flutter pub run build_runner build.
5- add this permission ()
6- dart run custom_lint
dart pub global activate custom_lint
7- update the assetslinks.json file
9- follow the official build and release guide (https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android) and then update the key.properties.
10- To get the release certificate fingerprint on MacOs: (keytool -list -v
-alias -keystore )
11- To get the debug certificate fingerprint on MacOs: (keytool -list -v
-alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore)
12- follow this video for ios notification config (https://youtu.be/Hg1ZJjWzRxs?feature=shared)
13- if web run these commands (gcloud init) && (gsutil cors set cors.json storage bucket)
14- for hosting assetslink for deeplinking follow this article: (https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/android-app-links-deploy-assetlinks-json-in-minutes-d7082dffcac)