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SpRestLib - JavaScript library for SharePoint web services - SharePoint REST Library


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JavaScript Library for SharePoint REST Web Services

Provides a clean, concise API that greatly simplifies asynchronous REST interaction with SharePoint. Easily read/write List items (CRUD), execute REST calls, and gather site/user/group information. Enables rapid development of SharePoint Apps/Add-ins using the JavaScript SharePoint App Model.

Library Features:

  • Simple - Most REST/Web Service interaction can be done in a few lines of code
  • Modern - Lightweight, pure JavaScript solution
  • Elegant - Utilizes the new ES6 Promise architecture for asynchronous operations
  • Robust - Built for SharePoint 2013 API and OData v3

SharePoint Interfaces:

  • List Methods - Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) List/Library items with a single line of code
  • REST Methods - Run ad-hoc REST calls to any SharePoint REST API endpoint
  • User Methods - Get User information (ID, Email, LoginName, Groups, etc.)
  • Site Methods - Get Site information (Lists, Groups, Users, Roles, Subsites and Permissions)
  • Form Population - Populate form elements using data-bind declarative binding system like Knockout or AngluarJS

Supported Environments:

  • SharePoint 2013 (SP2013), SharePoint 2016 (SP2016), SharePoint Online (O365)
  • Enterprise license not required



Include Local Scripts

<script lang="javascript" src=""></script>
<script lang="javascript" src=""></script>

IE11 support requires a Promises polyfill as well (included in the libs folder)

Include Bundle Script

<script lang="javascript" src=""></script>

Bundle includes all required libraries (SpRestLib + jQuery and Promises)

Install With Bower

bower install sprestlib


npm install sprestlib

var sprLib = require("sprestlib");
  • Desktop: Compatible with Electron applications.

Library Test Drive

SpRestLib via Console

Want to try SpRestLib on your site?
Just open an F12 developer window on any page under your SharePoint site and run the following snippet to load the SpRestLib bundle script dynamically:

// 1: Load SpRestLib via CDN
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "";

// 2: Try some library methods
sprLib.user().info().then( objUser => (console.table ? console.table([objUser]) : console.log(objUser)) ); arrLists => (console.table ? console.table(arrLists) : console.log(arrLists)) );

Promise You Will Love It

JavaScript Promises Have Arrived

What makes a good library great? The ability to chain and group asynchronous operations!

SpRestLib not only provides a simple REST interface, it also delivers next-generation async operation handling via ES6 Promises.

SharePoint applications frequently perform lots of operations (e.g.: read from many lists at startup) or perform sequential steps (e.g.: get an item, then do further operations depending upon the result). Until recently, using callbacks was the standard way to handle async completion, but with Promises (which all SpRestLib methods return) operations can be easily chained by using then(), making your code much easier to write and maintain.

See the Async Operations via Promises section for more information and examples.

// EX: Get the current user's ID, then get their Tasks
    return sprLib.list('Tasks').getItems({ queryFilter:'Owner/Id eq ' + objUser.Id });
    console.log("Current user's Tasks = " + arrItems.length);
.catch(errMsg => console.error(errMsg));

Method Overview



  • sprLib.list(listName).getItems(options) - Returns an array of item objects using a variety of possible options
  • sprLib.list(listName).create(item) - Create a new list item using JSON data
  • sprLib.list(listName).update(item) - Update an existing item using JSON data
  • sprLib.list(listName).delete(id) - Delete an existing item by ID (permanently delete)
  • sprLib.list(listName).recycle(id) - Recycle an existing item by ID (move to Recycle Bin)
  • sprLib.list(listName).cols() - Returns an array of column objects with useful info (name, datatype, etc.)
  • sprLib.list(listName).info() - Returns information about the List/Library (GUID, numberOfItems, etc.)

Site Collection/Subsite

  • - Returns an array of the site's Groups and Members
  • - Returns over a dozen site properties (ID, Owner, Language, Logo, etc.)
  • - Returns an array of the site's Lists/Libraries
  • - Returns an array of the site's Member/Roles objects
  • - Returns an array of the site's Roles
  • - Returns an array of the site's Subsites
  • - Returns an array of the site's Users and their base permissions

User Information

  • sprLib.user(options).groups() - Returns an object with SP.Group group properties (Id, Owner, Title, etc.)
  • sprLib.user(options).info() - Returns an object with SP.User user properties (Id, Email, Login, Title, etc.)

Form Population

  • data-sprlib{options} - Populates the parent tag using the options provided


  • sprLib.renewSecurityToken() - Refreshes the SharePoint page security digest token

Method Reference

REST API Methods

Returns the results of a given REST call to any SharePoint REST API

Use the interface to GET or POST to any of the dozens of available SP REST API Endpoints.

The available REST service endpoints can add Users to Groups, create columns in a List/Library, enumerate site properties and other super useful functions.


Returns: Array of objects containing name/value pairs


Option Type Default Description Possible Values / Returns
url string current url REST API endpoint full or relative url. See: SharePoint REST API
type string GET rest type GET or POST. Ex:type: 'POST'
data string data to be sent Ex:data: {'type': 'SP.FieldDateTime'}
cache boolean false cache settings Ex:cache: true
contentType string application/json request header content-type Only used with type:'POST'
metadata boolean false whether to return __metadata Ex:metadata: true
queryCols string fields/columns to get any available field from the SP REST API
queryFilter string query filter utilizes OData style Query Operators Ex:queryFilter: 'Salary lt 99000'
queryLimit string 1000 max items to return 1-5000. Ex:queryLimit: 5000
queryOrderby string column(s) to order by Ex:queryOrderby: Name
requestDigest string $('#__REQUESTDIGEST).val() Form Digest Value The X-RequestDigest header value (SP Auth)


// EX: Get site collection groups{
    url:          '/sites/dev/_api/web/sitegroups',
    queryCols:    ['Title','LoginName','AllowMembersEditMembership'],
    queryFilter:  'AllowMembersEditMembership eq false',
    queryOrderby: 'Title',
    queryLimit:   10
.then(arrItems => console.table(arrItems))
.catch(errMsg => console.error(errMsg));
|         Title          |       LoginName        | AllowMembersEditMembership |
| Dev Site Owners        | Dev Site Owners        | false                      |
| Dev Site Visitors      | Dev Site Visitors      | false                      |
| Excel Services Viewers | Excel Services Viewers | false                      |

// EX: Add a new column to a list/library using the REST API{
    url:  "_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Employees')/fields",
    data: "{'__metadata':{'type':'SP.FieldDateTime'}, 'FieldTypeKind':4, 'Title':'Bonus Date', 'DisplayFormat':1 }",
    type: "POST"
.then(function(){ console.log("New column created!"); })
.catch(function(errMsg){ console.error(errMsg) });

List/Library Methods (SPList)

Lists can be accessed by either their name or their GUID:

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName)
Syntax: sprLib.list(listGUID)
Syntax: sprLib.list({ name:name, baseUrl:path })
Syntax: sprLib.list({ name:name, baseUrl:path, requestDigest:formDigestValue })


Prop Type Required? Default Description Possible Values
name string Y list name or guid Ex:{'name': 'Employees'}
baseUrl string (current location) data to be sent Ex:{'baseUrl': '/sites/dev'}
requestDigest string $('#__REQUESTDIGEST).val() X-RequestDigest header value (SP Auth) Ex:{'requestDigest': 'ABC123'}

Options: BaseUrl

By default, the base URL is set to where the host webpart is located (_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl). However, there are occasions when reading from other locations - like a subsite - is desired. Use the baseUrl parameter to specify the desired location.

Get Items



  • Array of objects containing name/value pairs
  • __metadata is always included in the results array (to enable further operations, use of Etag, etc.)


Option Type Default Description Possible Values / Returns
listCols array array of column names (OData style) listCols: ['Name', 'Badge_x0020_Number']
listCols object object with column properties listCols: { badge: { dataName:'Badge_x0020_Number' } }
cache boolean false cache settings Ex:cache: true
metadata boolean false whether to return __metadata Ex:metadata: true
queryFilter string query filter utilizes OData style Query Operators
queryLimit string max items to return 1-N
queryNext object object with Next/Skip options (paging) prevId (1-N), maxItems (1-5000) Ex:{ prevId:5000, maxItems:1000 }
queryOrderby string column(s) to order by Ex:queryOrderby:Name

NOTE: Omitting listCols will result in all List columns being returned (mimic SharePoint default behavior)

listCols Object

Option Type Default Description Possible Values / Return Values
dataName string the column name the fixed, back-end REST column name (use Get List Column Properties)
dispName string the name to use when displaying results in table headers, etc.
dateFormat string format to use when returning/displaying date INTL, INTLTIME, YYYYMMDD, ISO, US
dataFunc function function to use for returning a result use a custom function to transform the query result (see below)
getVersions boolean false return append text versions in array true or false

listCols dataFunc Option

There are many times where you'll need more than a simple column value. For example, providing a link to the InfoPath form so users can edit the item directly.

The dataFunc option allows you access to the entire result set, then return any type of value. See the sample below where an "editLink" is created.

Sample Code

// EX: Simple array of column names
sprLib.list('Employees').getItems( ['Id','Name','Badge_x0020_Number'] )
.then(arrData => console.table(arrData))
.catch(errMsg => console.error(errMsg));

// Result:
| Id  |    Name    | Badge_x0020_Number |
| 253 | Hal Jordan |              12345 |
// EX: Using 'listCols' option with array of column names
    listCols: ['Name', 'Badge_x0020_Number', 'Hire_x0020_Date']
.then(arrData => console.table(arrData))
.catch(errMsg => console.error(errMsg));
// EX: Using 'listCols' option to name our columns
// EX: Using 'getVersions' to gather all "Append Text"/Versioned Text into an array
// EX: Using 'dataFunc' option to return a dynamic, generated value (an html link)
// EX: Using query options: filter, order, limit
    listCols: {
        empId:      { dataName:'ID' },
        badgeNum:   { dataName:'Badge_x0020_Number' },
        appendText: { dataName:'Versioned_x0020_Comments', getVersions:true },
        viewLink:   { dataFunc:function(objItem){ return '<a href="/sites/dev/Lists/Employees/DispForm.aspx?ID='+objItem.ID+'">View Emp</a>' } }
    queryFilter:  'Salary gt 100000',
    queryOrderby: 'Hire_x0020_Date',
    queryLimit:   3
.then(function(arrData){ console.table(arrData) })
.catch(function(errMsg){ console.error(errMsg) });

| empId | badgeNum |            appendText              |                                viewLink                                |
|   334 |  1497127 | ["20170624:Update","20170601:New"] | <a href="/sites/dev/Lists/Employees/DispForm.aspx?ID=334">View Emp</a> |
|   339 |  1497924 | ["Not here yet", "Emp created"]    | <a href="/sites/dev/Lists/Employees/DispForm.aspx?ID=339">View Emp</a> |
|   350 |  1497927 | ["Vice President promotion"]       | <a href="/sites/dev/Lists/Employees/DispForm.aspx?ID=350">View Emp</a> |
// EX: Using paging/next/skip

// Anytime there are more results than what was returned, an `__next` object will be included. Keep passing these in subsequent queries to get all results.
sprLib.list('Departments').getItems({ listCols:['Id','Created'], queryLimit:5 });
|            __next             | Id |       Created        |
| {"prevId":"5","maxItems":"5"} |  1 | 2016-12-04T21:58:47Z |
| {"prevId":"5","maxItems":"5"} |  2 | 2016-12-04T21:59:07Z |
| {"prevId":"5","maxItems":"5"} |  3 | 2016-12-04T21:59:20Z |
| {"prevId":"5","maxItems":"5"} |  4 | 2016-12-04T21:59:36Z |
| {"prevId":"5","maxItems":"5"} |  5 | 2016-12-04T21:59:49Z |

    listCols:  ['Id','Created'],
    queryNext: {'prevId':5, 'maxItems':5}
|             __next             | Id |       Created        |
| {"prevId":"10","maxItems":"5"} |  6 | 2017-06-01T03:19:01Z |
| {"prevId":"10","maxItems":"5"} |  7 | 2017-12-14T05:00:10Z |
| {"prevId":"10","maxItems":"5"} |  8 | 2017-12-14T05:00:34Z |
| {"prevId":"10","maxItems":"5"} |  9 | 2017-12-14T05:00:59Z |
| {"prevId":"10","maxItems":"5"} | 10 | 2017-12-14T05:01:15Z |

Create Item

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).create(itemObject)

Options: An object with internal name/value pairs to be inserted

Returns: Object with key/value pairs


    Name: 'Marty McFly',
    Badge_x0020_Number: 12345,
    Hire_x0020_Date: new Date(),
    Active: true
    console.log('New Item:');
.catch(function(strErr){ console.error(strErr); });

Update Item

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).update(itemObject)


  • An object with internal name/value pairs to be inserted
  • if __metadata.etag is not provided, this is equivalent to force:true (etag:'"*"' is used)

Returns: The object provided


    ID: 99,
    Name: 'Marty McFly',
    Active: false
    console.log('Updated Item:');
.catch(function(strErr){ console.error(strErr); });

Delete Item

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).delete(itemId)

Returns: ID of the item just deleted

Notes: Permanently deletes the item (bypasses Recycle Bin; Is not recoverable)


.then(function(intId){ console.log('Deleted Item:'+intId); })
.catch(function(strErr){ console.error(strErr); });

Recycle Item

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).recycle(itemId)

Returns: ID of the item just recycled

Notes: Moves the item into the Site Recycle Bin


.then(function(intId){ console.log('Recycled Item:'+intId); })
.catch(function(strErr){ console.error(strErr); });

Get List Column Properties

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).cols()

Returns: Array of columns with name value pairs of property values

Column Properties

Property Type Description
dispName string display name
dataName string internal name - used in REST queries and in listCols arguments
dataType string column type (FieldTypeKind) values: Boolean, Calculated, Currency, DateTime, Note, Number, Text
defaultValue boolean the default value (if any)
isAppend boolean is this an append text column?
isNumPct boolean is this a percentage number column?
isReadOnly boolean is this an read only column?
isRequired boolean is a value required in this column?
isUnique boolean are unique values enforced on this column?
maxLength boolean the maximum length of the column value

Sample Code

.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });

// Result:
|   dispName   |      dataName      |  dataType  | isAppend | isNumPct | isReadOnly | isRequired | isUnique | defaultValue | maxLength |
| ID           | ID                 | Counter    | false    | false    | true       | false      | false    |              |           |
| Name         | Name               | Text       | false    | false    | false      | false      | false    |              |       255 |
| Badge Number | Badge_x0020_Number | Number     | false    | false    | false      | true       | true     |              |           |
| Hire Date    | Hire_x0020_Date    | DateTime   | false    | false    | false      | false      | false    |              |           |

Get List Info

Syntax: sprLib.list(listName|listGUID).info()

Returns: Array of list properties

List Properties

Property Name Type Description
AllowContentTypes boolean Whether Allow management of content types? is enabled
BaseTemplate integer SPListTemplateType SP Base Template ID number - ex: 100
BaseType integer SP Base Type ID number - ex: 0
Created string Date the List/Library was created (ISO format)
Description string List/Library Description
DraftVersionVisibility number whether draft versions can be seen
EnableAttachments boolean whether users can attach files to items in this list
EnableFolderCreation boolean whether users can create folders in this list/library
EnableVersioning boolean whether versioning is enabled for the items in this list
ForceCheckout boolean Whether Force checkout is enabled
Hidden boolean Whether List is hidden
Id GUID The SP GUID of the List
ItemCount number The number of Items in the List
LastItemDeletedDate string Date (ISO format) an item was last deleted
LastItemModifiedDate string Date (ISO format) an item was last modified
LastItemUserModifiedDate string Date (ISO format) an item was last modified by a User
ListItemEntityTypeFullName string SP.List.listItemEntityTypeFullName property
Title string The Title of the List/Library

Sample Code

.then(function(object){ console.table([object]) });

|         Prop Name          |              Prop Value              |
| AllowContentTypes          | true                                 |
| BaseTemplate               | 100                                  |
| BaseType                   | 0                                    |
| Created                    | 2016-08-21T20:48:43Z                 |
| Description                |                                      |
| DraftVersionVisibility     | 0                                    |
| EnableAttachments          | true                                 |
| EnableFolderCreation       | false                                |
| EnableVersioning           | true                                 |
| ForceCheckout              | false                                |
| Hidden                     | false                                |
| Id                         | 8fda2799-dbbc-a420-9869-df87b08b09c1 |
| ItemCount                  | 238                                  |
| LastItemDeletedDate        | 2017-10-27T04:42:39Z                 |
| LastItemModifiedDate       | 2017-10-27T04:42:55Z                 |
| LastItemUserModifiedDate   | 2017-10-27T04:42:55Z                 |
| ListItemEntityTypeFullName | SP.Data.EmployeesListItem            |
| Title                      | Employees                            |

Site Methods (SPSite)

Get Site Info


Returns: Array of site properties

Site Properties

Property Name Type Description
AssociatedMemberGroup object Object with Group properties (Id,Title,OwnerTitle)
AssociatedOwnerGroup object Object with Group properties (Id,Title,OwnerTitle)
AssociatedVisitorGroup object Object with Group properties (Id,Title,OwnerTitle)
Created string Date (ISO format) the site was created
Description string Site Description
Id GUID The SP GUID of the Site
Language number SP.Language.lcid property
LastItemModifiedDate string Date (ISO format) an item was last modified
LastItemUserModifiedDate string Date (ISO format) an item was last modified by a User
Owner object Object with Group properties (Email,LoginName,Title,IsSiteAdmin)
RequestAccessEmail string Email that receives access requests for this site/subsite
SiteLogoUrl string Relative URL to the site's logo image
Title string The Title of the Site/Subsite
Url string Absolute site URL
WebTemplate string Web template name

Sample Code
.then(function(objSite){ console.table([objSite]) });

|        Prop Name         |                                                Prop Value                                                |
| AssociatedMemberGroup    | {"Id":8,"Title":"Dev Site Members","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"}                                       |
| AssociatedOwnerGroup     | {"Id":6,"Title":"Dev Site Owners","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"}                                        |
| AssociatedVisitorGroup   | {"Id":7,"Title":"Dev Site Visitors","OwnerTitle":"Dev Site Owners"}                                      |
| Created                  | 2016-08-16T14:53:31.327                                                                                  |
| Description              | Main O365 Dev Site for SpRestLib.                                                                        |
| Id                       | 123b4f37-6a13-4bc8-869a-08b5e4b7c058                                                                     |
| Language                 | 1033                                                                                                     |
| LastItemModifiedDate     | 2017-10-28T23:06:13Z                                                                                     |
| LastItemUserModifiedDate | 2017-10-28T23:06:13Z                                                                                     |
| RequestAccessEmail       |                                                                                      |
| SiteLogoUrl              | /sites/dev/SiteAssets/images/sample_company_logo.png                                                     |
| Title                    | SpRestLib Dev Site                                                                                       |
| Url                      |                                                                   |
| WebTemplate              | STS                                                                                                      |
| Owner                    | {"LoginName":"","Title":"Brent Ely","Email":"","IsSiteAdmin":true} |

Get Site Lists


Returns: Array of site lists

List Properties

Property Name Type Description
BaseTemplate number SP.List.baseTemplate property value
BaseType number SP.BaseType property value
Description string Site Description
Hidden boolean Is list hidden?
Id GUID The SP GUID of the Site
ImageUrl string Relative URL to the site's SharePoint logo image
ItemCount number Total items in the List/Library
ParentWebUrl string Relative URL of parent web site
RootFolder string RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
Title string Title of the Site/Subsite

Sample Code
.then(function(arr){ console.table([arr[0]]) });

|  Prop Name   |              Prop Value              |
| Id           | 8fda2798-daba-497d-9840-df87b08e09c1 |
| Title        | Employees                            |
| Description  |                                      |
| ParentWebUrl | /sites/dev                           |
| ItemCount    | 238                                  |
| Hidden       | false                                |
| ImageUrl     | /_layouts/15/images/itgen.png?rev=44 |
| BaseType     | 0                                    |
| BaseTemplate | 100                                  |
| RootFolder   | /sites/dev/Lists/Employees           |

Get Site Permissions


Returns: Array of site permissions

Perm Properties

Property Name Type Description
Member object object with Member properties (Title,PrincipalId,PrincipalType)
Roles object array of Role objects with properties: (Name,Hidden)

Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });

|                                        Member                                         |                               Roles                               |
| {"Title":"Excel Services Viewers","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":5} | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"View Only"}]                             |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Owners","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":6}        | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Full Control"}]                          |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Visitors","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":7}      | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Read"}]                                  |
| {"Title":"Dev Site Members","PrincipalType":"SharePoint Group","PrincipalId":8}       | [{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Design"},{"Hidden":false,"Name":"Edit"}] |

Get Site Groups


Returns: Array of site Groups

Group Properties

Property Name Type Description
AllowMembersEditMembership boolean Whether members can edit the group
Description string Group Description
Id GUID Group ID
OwnerTitle string Owner Title
PrincipalType string Group, User, etc.
Title string Title of the Group
Users object array of User objects with properties: (Id,LoginName,Title)

Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });

| Id |         Title          |  PrincipalType   |             Description            |    OwnerTitle     | AllowMembersEditMembership |                     Users                                         |
|  8 | Dev Site Members       | SharePoint Group | contribute permissions: Dev Site   | Dev Site Owners   | true                       | []                                                                |
|  6 | Dev Site Owners        | SharePoint Group | full control permissions: Dev Site | SharePoint Group  | false                      | [{"Id":99,"LoginName":"","Title":"Brent Ely"}] |
|  7 | Dev Site Visitors      | SharePoint Group | read permissions: Dev Site         | SharePoint Group  | false                      | []                                                                |

Get Site Roles


Returns: Array of SiteCollection Roles (result is the same if siteUrl is provided)

Role Properties

Property Name Type Description
Description string Role Description
Hidden boolean Whether this Role is hidden or not
Name string Role Name
RoleTypeKind number SP.RoleDefinition.roleTypeKind value

Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });

|     Id     |      Name      |                         Description                         | RoleTypeKind | Hidden |
| 1073741829 | Full Control   | Has full control.                                           |            5 | false  |
| 1073741828 | Design         | Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize.      |            4 | false  |
| 1073741830 | Edit           | Can add, edit and delete lists and items and documents.     |            6 | false  |
| 1073741827 | Contribute     | Can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents. |            3 | false  |
| 1073741826 | Read           | Can view pages and list items and download documents.       |            2 | false  |
| 1073741825 | Limited Access | Can view specific lists, document libraries, list items...  |            1 | true   |
| 1073741924 | View Only      | Can view pages, list items, and documents.                  |            0 | false  |

Get Site Subsites


Returns: Array of subsites under the current or specified location

Subsite Properties

Property Name Type Description
Created string Date (ISO format) that this Site was created
Id GUID SP GUID for this site
Language number SP.Language.lcid property
Modified string Date (ISO format) that this Site was last modified
Name string Site Name
SiteLogoUrl string relative URL to site logo image
UrlAbs string absolute URL of this site
UrlRel boolean relative URL of this site

Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults[0]) });

// Subsite Object
|  Prop Name  |                    Prop Value                     |
| Id          | 822555ab-9376-4a1b-925b-82dcc7bf3cbd              |
| Name        | Sandbox                                           |
| Created     | 2017-09-30T04:27:51                               |
| Modified    | 2017-10-25T03:48:39Z                              |
| Language    | 1033                                              |
| SiteLogoUrl | /sites/dev/SiteAssets/sprestlib-logo.png          |
| UrlAbs      |    |
| UrlRel      | /sites/dev/sandbox                                |

Get Site Users


Returns: Array of users under the current or specified location


  • If siteUrl is omitted, then all users in the entire SiteCollection are returned. Otherwise, only the users under the given site are returned (all users with direct grants and all users within Groups that have site permissions).

User Properties

Property Name Type Description
Email string user email address
Groups array array of user's group objects with properties: (Id,Title)
Id number user Id
IsSiteAdmin object whether the user us a site collection admin (SCA)
LoginName string user LoginName
Title string user Title

Sample Code
.then(function(arrayResults){ console.table(arrayResults) });

| Id |        Email        |          LoginName         |   Title   | IsSiteAdmin |                Groups                |
|  9 | | i:0#.f| | Brent Ely | true        | [{"Id":6,"Title":"Dev Site Owners"}] |

User Methods


Usage: Omitting options will return information about the current user, otherwise, the specified user is returned.

User Query Properties

Prop Type Required? Description Possible Values
id number user id user id to query. Ex: {id:99}
email string user email address user email to query. Ex: {email:''}
login string user login name user loginName to query. Ex: {login:'AMERICAS\Brent_Ely'}
title string user title user title to query. Ex: {title:'Brent Ely'}

Get User Information (SPUser)


Returns: Object with SharePoint user (SP.User) properties.

Note: Uses the basic SP User service (not the Enterprise licensed User Profile service)

Sample Code

// EXAMPLE: Get current user info
.then(function(objUser){ console.table([objUser]) });

// EXAMPLE: Get user info by email address
sprLib.user({ email:'' }).info()
.then(function(objUser){ console.table([objUser]); });

| Id |              LoginName                |   Title   |        Email        | IsSiteAdmin |
|  9 | i:0#.f|membership| | Brent Ely | | true        |

Get User Groups (SPGroup)


Returns: Array of objects containing the user's SharePoint groups SPGroup

Sample Code

.then(function(arrGroups){ console.table(arrGroups) });

| Id |      Title       |        Description         |   OwnerTitle    |    LoginName     |
|  6 | Dev Site Owners  | Use for full control perms | Dev Site Owners | Dev Site Owners  |
|  7 | Dev Site Members | Use for contribute perms   | Dev Site Owners | Dev Site Members |

Form Binding

Perform control/form binding with an AngluarJS-like syntax made especially for SharePoint Web Services.

Many different HTML tags can be populated by adding an data-sprlib property to many HTML element types.

Syntax: <tag data-sprlib='{ options }'>

Data Binding Types

The following HTML element tags can be populated:

  • select: populates 1+ options
  • static element (span, p, etc.): populates a single plain text value
  • table: a table or tbody can be populates with 1+ columns

Data Binding Options

Option Type Required? Description Possible Values / Returns
list string yes List or Library name
cols array columns to be populated
text string text string to show
value string value string to show
filter string query filter value Ex: filter="ID eq 100"
tablesorter string whether to add jQuery TableFilter to table
options string table/tbody options showBusySpinner


<!-- select -->
<select data-sprlib='{ "list":"Employees", "value":"Id", "text":"Name" }'></select>

<!-- input -->
<input type="text" data-sprlib='{ "list":"Departments", "value":"Title" }' placeholder="Departments.Title"></input>

<!-- static elements span, div, etc. -->
<span data-sprlib='{ "list":"Employees", "value":"Name", "filter":{"col":"Name", "op":"eq", "val":"Brent Ely"} }'></span>

<!-- table/tbody -->
<table data-sprlib='{ "foreach": {"list":"Employees", "filter":{"col":"Active", "op":"eq", "val":true}}, "options":{"showBusySpinner":true} }'>
<tbody data-sprlib='{ "foreach": {"list":"Employees", "cols":["Name","Utilization_x0020_Pct"] } }'></tbody>

Utility Methods

Refreshes the SharePoint page security digest token.

Starting in SP2013, .aspx pages include a security digest token in a hidden input element that will expire after 30 minutes (by default).

This method allows the refresh of this value, which can be useful in certain cases.

NOTE: SpRestLib will refresh the token automatically as needed during CRUD operations.

Node.js and SharePoint Online

Connect To Office 365/SharePoint Online With Node.js

SpRestLib can be utilized via Node.js to perform powerful operations, generate reports, etc.


See the example directory for a complete, working demo of connecting to SharePoint Online.

Async Operations via Promises

(New) ES6/ES2015 Promises vs (Old) Callbacks

SpRestLib asynchronous methods return Promises, which provide two main benefits:

  • No more callback functions
  • No more managing async operations

If you're unfamiliar with the new ES6 Promise functionality, you may want to the a moment to read more about them. They really are a game changer for those of us who deal with asynchronous operations.

All major browsers (and Node.js) now fully support ES6 Promises, so keep reading to see them in action.


Promises can be chained using then() or grouped using Promise.all() so callbacks and queue management are a thing of the past.

Async Chaining

  • Promises can be chained so they execute in the order shown only after the previous one has completed

Example Logic

  • SpRestLib methods return a Promise, meaning the "return sprestlib" calls below cause the subsequent .then() to wait for that method's REST call to return a result
  • That's all you need to code to enable chaining of asynchronous operations without any callback functions or queue management!

Example Code

var item = { Name:'Marty McFly', Hire_x0020_Date:new Date() };
.then(function()    { return sprLib.list('Employees').create(item); })
.then(function(item){ return sprLib.list('Employees').update(item); })
.then(function(item){ return sprLib.list('Employees').delete(item); })
.then(function(item){ console.log('Success! An item navigated the entire CRUD chain!'); });

Async Grouping

  • Promises can be grouped using .all() meaning each of them must complete before .then() is executed.

Example Logic

  • This example requires that both the user info and user group queries complete before we move on
  • The old AJAX callback method model required a lot more code to do this very thing!

Example Code

    // 'arrResults' holds the return values of both method calls above - in the order they were provided
    // Therefore, arrResults[0] holds user info() and arrResults[1] holds user groups()
    console.log( "Current User Info `Title`: " + arrResults[0].Title  );
    console.log( "Current User Groups count: " + arrResults[1].length );

Issues / Suggestions

Please file issues or suggestions on the issues page on GitHub, or even better, submit a pull request. Feedback is always welcome!

When reporting issues, please include a code snippet or a link demonstrating the problem.

Special Thanks

  • Marc D Anderson - SpRestLib is built in the spirit of the late, great SPServices library
  • Microsoft - for the developer account
  • Everyone who submitted an Issue or Pull Request


Copyright © 2016-2017 Brent Ely



SpRestLib - JavaScript library for SharePoint web services - SharePoint REST Library







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