Accident Alert System using GPS and GSM Module Overview This project is an Accident Alert System that uses GPS and GSM modules to detect accidents and send immediate alerts to pre-defined contacts with the location of the accident. The system is designed to provide timely assistance by informing emergency contacts of an accident's location, potentially saving lives.
Features Accident Detection: The system detects accidents based on the sensor input (e.g., vibration sensor, accelerometer). Real-time Location Tracking: Utilizes a GPS module to get the precise location of the accident. Immediate Alert: Sends an SMS alert with the accident location to predefined emergency contacts using a GSM module. Automatic Operation: Once an accident is detected, the system operates automatically without requiring any manual input. Hardware Requirements Microcontroller - arudino nano GPS Module - Neo-6M GSM Module - SIM800L Vibration Sensor or Accelerometer - ADXL335 Power Supply (Battery or USB power) Connecting Wires SIM Card (with SMS service enabled) Software Requirements Arduino IDE or any compatible IDE for microcontroller programming Libraries: TinyGPS++ for handling GPS data (for Arduino) SoftwareSerial for serial communication with the GSM module (for Arduino) Any other libraries specific to the hardware being used