Welcome to the GWG Animal Card Generator project.
We will be creating a platform that allows for animal information to be input to automatically create an animal card, and create a collection of animal cards. The cards will not be able to be saved on the site, since this is a front-end course, but will populate new cards until the broswer is refreshed.
The goal of this project is to put our new skills to work. This project should give us a good grasp of the power in CSS classes, along with excercise our JavaScript/jQuery muscles!
[Instructions](#Sign-Up Instructions) [Sign Ups] (#Sign Ups) [Timelines & Due Dates] (#Timelines & Due Dates) [Learn GitHub] (#Learn Github) [Contributions] (#Contributions) [Credits] (#Credits)
If you're new to GitHub, there can be a bit of a learning curve. I've found GitHub's Desktop to be very user-friendly for beginners. Here are some brief instructions adapted from fellow classmate @ChrisVNeal. I am still new to GitHub, so we are learning together!
Fork this repository MeganSpauldingCreative/GWG-animal-card-generator into your own GitHub account.
Clone that forked copy of the GWG-animal-card-generator repo onto your local machine.
On your machine, add an upstream to the main repo to help pull our master branch to your machine.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/GWGweb-projectgroup/practice-project.git
Whenever you want to pull our latest changes
git pull upstream master
- Create a separate branch in your repository to begin the work, preferably using yourname-dev syntax, I would write
git checkout -b chrisvneal-dev
Make sure you follow the syntax used by other users for your sign up!
- Push your commits to your GitHub repository. Make sure you have filled in the comments section.
git push -u origin [name-of-your-branch]
The -u is to indicate that that branch will be an "upstream" branch: so that now whenever you want to push changes you can just type git push
- Make the pull request on your repository to the necessary branch on our main repo.
In order to sign up, follow the instructions above. Add your names to whichever team you would like to be a part of! Make sure to follow the format below!
This syntax creates a table in Markdown, all you have to do is edit/insert your information like so:
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
(your name) | your @ | optional link
You'll get it when you see how others have done it. If not, just ask someone. This list will determine who the contributors are for this project. Adding your name to a table is as easy as separating your info with the pipe character like this:
name | slack name | (optional link)
You can be on more than one team, just make sure there are enough duties for everyone to contribute meaningfully.
Wireframing & Layout
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Megan Spaulding | @Megan Spaulding | Portfolio |
HTML Structure
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Wyatt Salisbury | @Wyatt Salisbury | Portfolio |
Dima Kroma | @Dima Kroma | [Portfolio] (www.dimakroma.com) |
CSS Styling
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Megan Spaulding | @Megan Spaulding | Portfolio |
Kate Riley | @kate Katherine Riley |
JavaScript Functionality
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Wyatt Salisbury | @Wyatt Salisbury | Portfolio |
Megan Spaulding |
Name | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Kate Riley | @Kate | n/a |
Dima Kroma | @Dima Kroma | Portfolio |
Kasia | @Kasia M | n/a |
Wireframe & Layout: March 15
HTML Structure: March 20
CSS Styling: March 23
JavaScript Functionality: March 30
Testing and Tweaking all aspects: April 4
[Getting Started with GitHub] (https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/) [GitHub Markdown] (https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Here-Cheatsheet) [Beginners Guide To Contributing] (https://akrabat.com/the-beginners-guide-to-contributing-to-a-github-project/) [Contribute to GitHub Video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLvOlDX7zxo) [GitHub Flow] (https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) [GitHub Desktop] (https://desktop.github.com/)
This project was adapted from Udacity's Animal Card Project for the Grow with Google Scholarship.
Instructions adapted from fellow student @ChrisVNeal. The project he has organized can be found [here] (https://github.com/GWGweb-projectgroup/practice-project/blob/master/README.md)