This is the repository for our SIGIR 2021 paper: Deconfounded Video Moment Retrieval with Causal Intervention.
video grounding, temporal sentence grounding in videos, video moment retrieval, causal reasoning
The installation for this repository is easy. Please refer to
Please refer to to prepare datasets.
We provide scripts for simplifying training and inference. Please refer to scripts/, scripts/
For example, if you want to train our TCN+DCM method on the Charades-STA dataset, just modifying scripts/ to select the features (C3D/I3D/VGG), set your gpu id and set the number of training rounds with different random seeds (In our experiments, report the average performance of 10 runs on Charades-STA and DiDeMo, and 5 runs on ActivityNet-Captions, with different random seeds for network initialization).
Start training: bash ./scripts/
Please feel free to contact me: if you need any help.
Please remember to cite our paper if you use our codes or features:
author = {Yang, Xun and Feng, Fuli and Ji, Wei and Wang, Meng and Chua, Tat-Seng},
title = {Deconfounded Video Moment Retrieval with Causal Intervention},
year = {2021},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3404835.3462823},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
pages = {1–10},
numpages = {10},
location = {Virtual Event, Canada},
series = {SIGIR '21}
We appreciate the optimized 2D-Tan repository We use some codes from the optimized 2D-Tan repository to implement our work. Please also cite their paper if you use the codes.