Style for allowing you to do a direct style editing process in a sort of indirect and oldish way. This method also prevent the changes lost during phpBB updating process. Tested also on previous version of phpbb and it works.
Stile Name: ProXiZen
Author: Sir Xiradorn (
Style Description: Zen style prosilver oriented for allowing you to edit directly the style in a sort of indirect way. Direct editing in phpBB 3.1.X are not used for better update purpose.
For Theme editing: you can use the personal.css for all css.
For Template editing: you must copy the original file from prosilver style into template folder of ProXiZen. Now you can directly modify the new file in a sort of oldish mode (phpBB 3.0 way for understanding).
Style Based: Prosilver
Style Version: 3.1.9
Version Name: Zen Release
Tested on this phpBB version: 3.1.X
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File Weight: 9,85 KB
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Progress: Definitive Version
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