Reference: Dorigo M, Gambardella L M.: Ant Colony System: A cooperative learning approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem. IEEE Tr. Evol. Comp. 1, 53-66[J]. 1997, 1(1): 53-66.
Reference: Dorigo M, Birattari M, Stutzle T. Ant colony optimization[J]. IEEE computational intelligence magazine, 2006, 1(4): 28-39.
Variables | Meaning |
coord_x | List, the x coordination of cities |
coord_y | List, the y coordination of cities |
pop | The number of ants |
iter | The maximum number of iterations |
alpha | The pheromone decay parameter |
beta | The parameter which determines the relative importance of pheromone versus distance |
rho | The parameter for pheromone local updating rule |
q0 | The probability of exploitation versus exploration |
city_num | The number of city |
dis | List, dis[i][j] denotes the distance between city i and city j |
tau | List, tau[i][j] denotes the pheromone between city i and city j |
start_city | List, start_city[i] denotes the start city of ant i |
iter_best | List, the best so-far value of each iteration |
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set the parameters
pop = 20
beta = 2
q0 = 0.9
alpha = 0.1
rho = 0.1
iter = 50
city_num = 30
min_coord = 0
max_coord = 10
coord_x = [random.uniform(min_coord, max_coord) for _ in range(city_num)]
coord_y = [random.uniform(min_coord, max_coord) for _ in range(city_num)]
print(main(coord_x, coord_y, pop, iter, alpha, beta, rho, q0))
'Best tour': [24, 1, 6, 9, 5, 7, 13, 19, 22, 12, 0, 28, 17, 18, 21, 16, 11, 23, 3, 27, 20, 10, 25, 14, 26, 2, 15, 4, 8, 29, 24],
'Shortest length': 48.85205394844219,