Its a flexible Security System whose basic concepts and technologies can be extended to Any type of Physical Automation we want . This is a GSM based system so there is no need to have an active internet connection for both Owner and the vehicle.
Arduino UNO , sim800 GSM Module , GPS module , and Some Sensors.
Whenever our Personal vehicle is displaced or any type of theft activity is recorded than a signal is sent to the Owner of the vehicle via SMS message. Some Instructions are also sent with this message by the security system fitted in Vehicle to the Owner. In this message current location (in Google Map Link form) is shared.If we want to control the actuators fitted in vehicle We can control with SMS messages eg: if we want to switch-On the Anti Theft Siren fitted in vehicle we can simply send a message "Switch on alarm" , we can switch off the alarm anytime , We can also make a request to send current locations continuously in a particular interval.