I had an issue with my memos java.io.IOException: Resetting to invalid mark - on getMemoAsString() exception. This has to do with the buffer size and the reset and skip functions in the memoReader class. To fix this I made it so each read opens a new buffered input stream and closes it so there is no need for the reset and skip functions. The only issue is that you cant pass input streams into the DbfReader class you must pass file objects.
Java utility to read/write DBF files
Fix issue #5 - don't load DBF and MEMO files into memory when reading it (thanks to Eugene Michuk for noticing this!)
Fix issue #9 - don't define some DBF file types correctly (thanks to l1feh4ck3r!!)
Fix issue #7 - add DbfRecord.isDeleted() method that checks if record is deleted.
Fix issue #3 - read the last record two times for "FoxBASE+/Dbase III plus" files
Fix issue #4 - incorrect parsing of update date in DBF header for "FoxBASE+/Dbase III plus" files
Add ability to read MEMO files (tested with Visual FoxPro DBFs)
Piece of code that reads file from classpath. Single DBF record is represented here as a Map.
public void readDBF() throws IOException, ParseException {
Charset stringCharset = Charset.forName("Cp866");
File dbf = new File("data1/gds_im.dbf");
DbfRecord rec;
try (DbfReader reader = new DbfReader(dbf)) {
DbfMetadata meta = reader.getMetadata();
System.out.println("Read DBF Metadata: " + meta);
while ((rec = reader.read()) != null) {
System.out.println("Record #" + rec.getRecordNumber() + ": " + rec.toMap());
Piece of code that reads DBF and MEMO fields.
See TestMemo.java
public void test1() {
Charset stringCharset = Charset.forName("cp1252");
File dbf = new File("memo1/texto.dbf");
File memo = new File("memo1/texto.fpt");
try (DbfReader reader = new DbfReader(dbf, memo)) {
DbfMetadata meta = reader.getMetadata();
System.out.println("Read DBF Metadata: " + meta);
DbfRecord rec;
while ((rec = reader.read()) != null) {
System.out.println("TEXVER: " + rec.getString("TEXVER"));
// this reads MEMO field
System.out.println("TEXTEX: " + rec.getMemoAsString("TEXTEX"));
System.out.println("TEXDAT: " + rec.getDate("TEXDAT"));
System.out.println("TEXSTA: " + rec.getString("TEXSTA"));
System.out.println("TEXCAM: " + rec.getString("TEXCAM"));
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {