Original source stolen from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/imagefap-gallery-downloader/files/
Launch the .py script (or .exe if you are using the "compiled" version) and let it run in the background. When you copy the gallery link to the clipboard, the download will start automatically. The default download directory is named 'Galleries' and is created in the ImageFap Gallery Downloader main folder. The downloader will recognize the gallery title and save the gallery in the main download directory. When you are done, just close the console window.
In order to download user folders in v0.4, open the user profile, follow the 'Galleries' link and copy the folder link from the sidebar to the clipboard. Download everything from a user by copying the user profile link.
The main download directory can be specified in "IFLoad.config" by setting MainDirectory="path to directory".
##Version history:
v0.4 - 11/15/2015
- download entire user collections or specific user folders
v0.3 - 9/17/2015
- xHamster gallery support
- handling of failed downloads
v0.22 - 9/16/2015
- incorrect usage of Tk().clipboard_get leading to "unable to realloc x bytes" crash after a few thousand calls
- second download request is ignored if the time interval between the first and the second request is too short
v0.21 - 9/16/2015
- crash if gallery title starts or ends with a blank character
v0.2 - 9/16/2015
- external config file
- now the user can specify the main download directory in the config file
- new download requests are enqueued while the downloader is busy
v0.11 - 9/14/2015
- TclError crash when clipboard is empty
- Output directory naming
- now also working with url from the browser address bar (via select©)
v0.1 - first release 9/13/2015
Downloader will watch the clipboard content and download a gallery when the url is copied to the clipboard.
gallery url must be of the format http://www.imagefap.com/gallery.php?gid=
- downloader will crash with a TclError when clipboard is empty
- download of a gallery will not start if the url has been copied to the clipboard prior to the execution of the downloader
- problem with the creation of the target directory. sometimes, subdirectories are created in the main gallery dir and files are placed in the subdirectory