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Help page: Dynamic Placeholders

Muzhen Gaming edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 15 revisions

Currently, Dynamic Placeholders are available only in Custom AI Commands. However, I plan to gradually add support in other places as well.

Dynamic Placeholders

Dynamic Placeholders

Raycast-g4f implements dynamic placeholders to closely match Raycast AI, enabling portability. As of the latest version, we also offer some additional placeholders to support advanced usage.

The supported placeholders are:

Snippet Placeholders

Name Placeholder Description
Selected Text {selection} or {input} Inserts the selected text from the frontmost application. In the context of the AI Chat, the previous message will be inserted instead.
Clipboard Text {clipboard} Inserts your last copied text. The placeholder will be removed from the snippet when you use it if you have not copied any text recently.
Date {date} Inserts only the current date like 1 Jun 2022.
Time {time} Inserts only the current time like 3:05 pm.
Date & Time {datetime} Inserts both date and time like 1 Jun 2022 at 6:45 pm.
Weekday {day} Inserts the day of the week like Monday.
Browser Tab {browser-tab} Inserts the text from the current browser tab. Requires the Browser Extension to be installed.
Shell Command {shell} Inserts the result of a shell command. Example: {shell | echo "Hello"}.


Using modifiers, you can change the value of a dynamic placeholder using the {clipboard | uppercase} syntax. It works on all placeholders.

There are five different modifiers:

  • uppercase → transforms Foo into FOO.
  • lowercase → transforms Foo into foo.
  • trim → transforms Foo Bar into Foo Bar. It removes the white spaces at the beginning and the end of the value.
  • percent-encode → transforms Foo Bar into Foo%20Bar. It replaces special characters with their percent-encoded equivalent.
  • json-stringify → transforms Foo "Bar" into "Foo \"Bar\"". It makes sure that the value can be used as a JSON string.

You can specify multiple modifiers in a row: {clipboard | trim | uppercase}.

Advanced usage

Here are some tips and notes to help you turn Dynamic Placeholders into an extremely powerful and versatile tool.

  • You can nest placeholders, and they will be processed in depth-first order (inner placeholders are processed first). Example: {shell | cat "{shell | osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to get POSIX path of first item of (selection as alias list)'}"} loads the content of the currently selected file. Notice how we nested a shell placeholder inside another. Neat!