This is a helper script to find when a user last ran a job within a particular project on a cluster platform that uses Slurm Workload Manager.
ARCC is the Advanced Research Computing Center at the University of Wyoming.
Contact information can be found on our web page:
One of the main goals is to keep the script as simple as possible with respect to required applications.
From a very high level this is a bash script that makes calls to Slurm to retrieve required account/user and usage data. Its basic usage is to read a file that lists the accounts/projects to inspect the users within, and generate a comma delimited output file that lists their last ran job.
Its intention is to be used as a step within a longer workflow. For example a previous step could possibly generate the project list file from say an IDM type application, and a later step reads the output file into a metrics/reporting related application.
The script does not require any specific installation steps.
It has been developed and tested on a platform using:
GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Usage: command [ -s START_DATE(MM/DD/YY) ] [ -o OUTPUT_FILENAME ] [-n] [-h] [-v] CLUSTER [ACTIVE_PROJECT_FILE]
define a start date to look for submitted jobs after. If not defined then the default is to set as one year prior to the current date.-o
define the name of the output file. If not defined then output.csv' will be used as the default.-n
use if you do not wish the column header names to be written to the output file.-h
write to the command line the general usage.-v
write to the command the current script version.
this is the name of a configured SSlurm cluster to check projects against.
this is the path/name to a file that lists the names of the projects (or accounts using Slurm terminology) to check for users within against. It takes the format of listing one project per line. If not defined then ALL active slurm accounts will be checked.
bash -s 07/01/21 -o july_2021.csv teton projects.txt
bash -s 12/01/22 -o all_dec_2022.csv teton
If you use a date format of MM/DD/YYYY (instead of MM/DD/YY) then you will see the error of the following form:
Invalid time specification (pos=8): 12/01/2022
Within our center we have methods to remove users from projects and accounts. Although these tidy up our system, it does not remove them from Slurm.
A removed user listed within slurm, associated with a project, will report the
following message: Invalid user id: <username>