is a Python library designed to enhance Tkinter-based GUI applications
by automatically adjusting DPI scaling and font sizes, particularly for high-DPI monitors.

- Automatic DPI Scaling
- Automatic Font Size Adjustment
- Without side-effects
- Cross-Platform
To use this library, simply replace the standard Tk
class with DPIAwareTk
The library will handle DPI and font adjustments automatically:
from hidpi_tk import DPIAwareTk
# from tkinter import Tk
# root = Tk()
root = DPIAwareTk()
# After that use like Tk instance
On Windows systems, it provides full support for scaling on high-DPI monitors, particularly for Windows 8.1 and newer. For older Windows systems (Vista & Win7) , it still adjusts DPI and font scaling to an extent.
For other systems, such as macOS and Linux, the operating systems themselves provide excellent high-DPI support, so this library does not include specific code for DPI adjustments. However, using this library is still beneficial as it adjusts font scaling, which makes cross-platform development easier and more consistent.
Font scaling is called from idlelib, so the minimum required version is Python 3.6. See: <python/cpython#3639>
library is offered under Apache 2 license.
The library development is based on high-dpi-tkinter.
Added: High-DPI font scaling support, legacy Windows support, bug fixes, and modern Python standards.