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Releases: Worldev/Granota

Granota v2.9.1

11 Apr 16:29
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Change log

  • [Version]: a bug caused the bot raise an error when performing the .version command.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.9

11 Apr 12:21
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Change log

  • [Updater] #68: now you can update your bot to the next stable version using the .update-stable command. Errors my occurr; please, backup your files before performing the command.
  • [Weather] #69: now you can know the weather with this new module! .help weather for more information. (Thanks @F4b1-!)
  • [Adminchannel] #30: now channel ops are allowed to perform chanop actions even if they are not bot admins.
  • [Version]: #67: when sending the .version command, if there's a new stable version out, the bot will send a private message to the owner telling them that there's a new update available and the instructions to update.
  • [Help]: fixed error when placing a space after the command (?help ping_) and removed displaying an alias when there isn't any (1c64c11 & de4cd39).

Known bugs

  • When updating to the next stable version, an error is raised after the first .reload.
  • Everything else is perfect. Just go to the issue list and you will know.

Working on...

  • #30: Add separate configuration for each channel: specially interesting for setting different languages for each channel.
  • #64: Add auto-downloader and installer for dependencies: probably through Pypi.


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.8

02 Apr 10:25
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Change log

  • Seen: The bot will remember all nicks even if it's reloaded or restarted (data is stored in an external JSON file). Probably still buggy. We will see.
  • Google: Reduced the amount of results to 3 to avoid flood and splitted urls
  • Developers: normalised variable names in and general cleanup of the code.
  • Adminchannel: now you can ban accounts or other stuff ($a:, $j:, etc.)

Known bugs


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.7

24 Dec 18:46
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Change log

  • New function: seen module
  • New function: unload
  • and have been merged
  • Some issues with the help system have been fixed
  • Renamed to
  • Fixed other small issues

Known bugs

  • When the bot is reloaded, it "forgets" the seen nicks, so the seen function is only reliable if you are running a stable version of the bot and don't update or reload it. (#60)
  • The topic function sometimes does weird things (#61)


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.6

29 Oct 15:53
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Change log

  • Fixed some bugs in the search module:
    ** Fixed (and simplified) Google search using a new library.
    ** Removed Google count functions as they are not supported by the new library.
    ** Removed Bing from the global .search function, because it didn't exist anyway.

Important note

From now on, in order to use the search module, you will have to install the Google python module.


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.5.2

05 Jun 11:16
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Change log

  • Fix on (Added "_" instead of spaces between words when sending a wikilink [[like this]])


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.5.1

03 Jun 21:27
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Change log

  • Fix on module


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.5

03 Jun 14:47
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Change log

  • Added useful information for bug reports (Last stable version and the exact git commit if running from git).


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.4

03 Jun 10:57
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Change log

  • Added two configuration parameters on to add a custom project and url. It defaults to Worldev.
  • Added a new function: now you can make the bot display the link to a wikipedia article by typing "[[article name]]". You can also specify a custom wiki to use.


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!

Granota v2.3

15 Jan 18:54
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Change log

  • Fixed an error with the "answer" commands and spellchecking.


If you need help, please read the wiki. If it doesn't answer your questions, contact us by sending us a direct message on Twitter (@WorldevOfficial), joining our IRC channel (#worldev) or opening an issue on GitHub if you have found a bug.

Thanks for downloading!