An ASP.NET Core 5.0 application with Angular 11 and MS-SQL Server. See it live in action:
The following components need to be installed on the machine as a prerequisite (Windows or Linux):
- Node.js (LTS Version)
- .NET Core (Version 5.0)
- SQL Server (Free Express Edition)
### Git clone (parameter recursive clones also required submodule Framework):
git clone --recursive
cd ApplicationDemo
### On first launch it will ask to register wpx command:
./wpx.cmd # For Windows
./ # For Linux
### From now on just use:
### Set ConnectionString
wpx config connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDemo; Integrated Security=True;" # Example Windows
wpx config connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ApplicationDemo; User Id=SA; Password=MyPassword;" # Example Linux
### Deploy Database
wpx deployDb
### Start
wpx start # http://localhost:5000/
### Stop
killall -g -SIGKILL Application.Server # Linux Only
This demo shows the capabilities of the framework. It displays airplanes and countries stored in the database.
Command line interface CLI contains all necessary framework commands: