Problem: WVU has 4 methods parallel methods of transit a person might utilize to get between the its 3 campuses (Downtown, Engineering, & Medical) and various off campus facilities: the PRT, the Mountainline bus system, paid parking for personal vehicles, and walking paths. The Personal Rapid Transit system (PRT) is an incredible feet of engineering, and is most peoples perfered method of transport around campus. It boasts a ~95%... until you're running late and actually need it to be up in which case it feels more like 50/50. In those times, you have to make a quick judgement call, "Do I wait for the PRT to come back up, run to my car and chance the traffic and parking, run to a bus stop, or just walk? A lot of variables are at play and its a perfect situation for a software solution!
DubVTransit2 allows West Virginia University students to calculated the fastest route to their campus destination. When the PRT goes down, don't waste time juggling websites, bus schedules, and others apps. Just enter your destination to quickly learn the fastest way to get class now.
Features of this app include:
- Turn by turn navigation to your destination (via the Google Maps Api)
- Ability to save the location of your courses for quick access
- Access to the PRT status without logging into MIX
- Some predictive ability to guess you calculate the time of your future trips will take
"West Virginia University" and "WVU" are official trademarks of West Virginia University. This app is not officially associated with WVU or its subsidiaries.