- a tosh-like programming language with a stupid name
backslash allows you to convert text-based code into Scratch-compatible blocks. It injects its own programming language into Scratch-compatible projects, expanding the possibilities for coding with a text-based language instead of block-based Scratch editing.
TL;DR: use text code 2 maek scratch project
also the top text might be incorrect the person who wrote it has never used this tool
edit project.prj.yaml
it is the project config
haz sprite configuration n stuff
run deno task run
to make the project sb3
or run deno task run-and-open
to open tw with that project after compiling (linux only bc fuck windowse)
or run deno task open
to open the current project sb3 (also only linux i think)
uh types for stuffs in sb3 r in jsontypes.ts
makes the project json and runs the code conversion for every sprite
converts text code to blocks
has stuff for parsing teh text code
this is barney86. i am sorry, i sadly could not stop wlodekm from making this unreadable