This will hopefully be a nice, catchall place for nearly damn everything Friday Night Funkin' related for fans, modders, freaks, and addicts.
I intend for this to be a bit community run type beat. I'll slowly find things and add it to this list, but I am not the biggest Friday Night Funkin' maniac, and not by a damn longshot! The inspiration behind this list thingie is those Github AWESOME lists that have a billion damn resources. I'm no FNF maniac, but I think it would be nice if everything was in one place!!! I will host this on the FunkinCrew github page, and upload it to the FNF website, but otherwise, I will say if there's dedicated people around, I'm willing to let some trusted individuals who are much more in touch than me to keep things around here nice and pleasant and a nice resource that doesn't get too outdated! -signed ninjamuffin99
some of these resources i stole from /funkg/... lol i hope u rascals over there dont mind!!!!
Furthur reading:
- The Awesome Manifesto (bit of inspiration behind this)
- Awesome lists contributing guidelines (again, it's main inspiration to this! So these are general loose guidelines! Not hard rules tho, we will get there when we get there!!!
- The Funkin' Blog - self plug a bit, also dunno where to put this right now, the FNF weekly devblog. Maybe we add a section around here core dev team? is that too self indulgent? lol?
- Phantom Arcade Teaching Animation - Youtube VOD of PhantomArcade, Funkin' Crew lead, teaching his ways of flash animation
- Frames to Symbol Flash Plugin
- Stems & Chromatic Scales - Officially released stems of Friday Night Funkin' music by Kawaisprite
- How to Mimic Boyfriend's Voice
- Chromatic Scale Guides
- Base Friday Night Funkin' aka Vanilla - The original open source game by The Funkin' Crew.
- PsychEngine
- Funkin' Forever Engine
- Codename Engine
- GameBanana - GameBanana hosts a buncho damn mods and stuff
- Funkipedia Mods Wiki
- /funkg/pedia - /funkg/ Mod wiki