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Tyler Goeringer edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 5 revisions

Last Updated For Game Version: 1.0.6

  • Code: Kingmaker.Blueprints.Classes.Prerequisites
  • Supported Blueprints:
    • BlueprintArchetype
    • BlueprintCharacterClass
    • BlueprintFeature

Prerequisites are a subset of blueprint components with requirements that must be satisfied before a character can select a feature, class, or archetype.

All prerequisites are prefixed with Prerequisite and inherit from the Prerequisite class. The Prerequisite class defines three common fields and an associated enum:

Prerequisite.GroupType Group;
bool CheckInProgression;
bool HideInUI;

enum GroupType
  • Group: Determines how multiple prerequisites within a blueprint interact with one another.
    • All: All of these prerequisites must be satisfied. This is the default.
    • Any: Only one of these prerequisites must be satisfied.
      • Example: ImprovedDirtyTrick requires the character to have KineticWarriorFeature or CombatExpertise.
    • ForcedTrue: If any of these prerequisites are satisfied, all other prerequisites are ignored.
      • Example: All *MythicClass blueprints use ForcedTrue to allow mythic levels in that class if you already have levels in that class.
  • CheckInProgression: If true, the prerequisites are checked when applying any BlueprintProgression features.
    • The default value is false, meaning any feature, class, or archetype applied to a character by a BlueprintProgression would bypass the requirements.
    • Example: WarpriestSpontaneousPositive (Channel Positive Energy) sets this to true for the ChannelPositiveAllowed preqrequisite. This ensures that a Warpriest channeling negative energy does not receive it; instead the progression includes WarpriestSpontaneousNegative.
  • HideInUI: If true, tooltips will not show any text related to this prerequisite.
    • Example: Most prerequisites that use ForcedTrue also set HideInUI to true. These are often overrides that don't make sense in the UI since they are either obviously true (e.g. you already have levels Aeon), or are things that you can't select as an option to satisfy the prerequisite (e.g. you can't select levels in Aeon to unlock levels in Aeon).


This is a special type of prerequisite that is only supported on BlueprintFeatureSelection. When a feature selection contains this component it requires the character is eligible for at least one of the features contained within.

Example: Kineticist's ExpandedDefense requires the character to be eligible for one of the defense talents. This is necessary because ExpandedDefense is available as a wild talent even if you already have the defense talent for each of your elements.