The public repository for Here we maintain both the public-facing HTML, in the docs
directory, and the nitty-gritty implementation details, in the rest of the repository branch.
We have made this public because we think that is a "winning slowly" thing to do: the web is at its very best when it's open. That doesn't necessarily mean everything needs to be free! It just means that when things don't have a reason not to be free, sharing the wealth of knowledge around is a good thing.
All of this material is therefore provided, open source, so that others can learn from, remix, and otherwise make use of it. There is just one restriction on that: if you're going to use the material, please do us the favor of crediting us for it. That's just being kind, but it's also the legal license for the site: we use the MIT license for the technical side of things and the CC-BY 4.0 license for the content. For more details, and for the legalese, see the LICENSE
Note: The typefaces are not open-source, but available for purchase from the genuinely excellent Klim Type Foundry. As we say with the music we use in each episode: please don't use these fonts without permission; go buy them and support the excellent work of their creator instead if you like them!
To see how the site works, look at the Pelican configuration, Jinja2 templates, etc., as well as all the Markdown files which constitute the content of the site (but before conversion).
To get the site itself, look at the docs
directory. Because of the way Pelican and GitHub Pages play together, you can actually check out the site from any point in time since we started podcasting (and, in fact, from before we started publishing episodes). That may only be mildly interesting from a content perspective, but it may be interesting if you are curious to see how the site mechanics work, or see how the design of the site developed.
If you have any questions, feel shoot us an email.