The VxWorks 7 Layer for VSOMEIP provides the makefiles for building the vsomeip release on VxWorks.
This layer is an adapter to make standard SOME/IP build and run on VxWorks. This layer does not contain the vsomeip source, it only contains all functions required to allow vsomeip to build and execute on top of VxWorks. Use this layer to add the vsomeip library to your user space, and to build the vsomeip example applications as RTPs.
The source code for this project is provided under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. license. Text for the vsomeip dependencies and other applicable license notices can be found in the License_Notices.txt file in the project top level directory. Different files may be under different licenses. Each source file should include a license notice that designates the licensing terms for the respective file.
Install the Wind River® VxWorks® 7 operating system version 23.09 or later.
The build system will need to download vsomeip source code from A working Internet connection with access to both sites is required.
Install the git tool and ensure it operates from the command line.
- Download the *VxWorks 7 layer for VSOMEIP from the following location:
Set WIND_LAYER_PATHS to point to the vxworks7-layer-for-VSOMEIP directory. Command-line users may set this directly using export on Linux or set on Windows. Developers working on a Microsoft Windows host may also set the system environment variables. On Microsoft Windows 10, these can be found in the Control Panel under View advanced system Settings. Click the "Advanced" tab to find the "Environment Variables" button. From here you may set WIND_LAYER_PATHS to point to the vxworks7-layers-for-VSOMEIP. Please refer to the VxWorks documentation for details on the WIND_LAYER_PATHS variable.
Confirm the layer is present in your VxWorks 7 installation. In a VxWorks development shell, you may run "vxprj vsb listAll" and look for VSOMEIP_3_1_20_3 to confirm that the layer has been found.
All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this software are for identification purposes only. Wind River and VxWorks are registered trademarks of Wind River Systems, Inc.
Disclaimer of Warranty / No Support: Wind River does not provide support and maintenance services for this software, under Wind River’s standard Software Support and Maintenance Agreement or otherwise. Unless required by applicable law, Wind River provides the software (and each contributor provides its contribution) on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the software and assume any risks associated with your exercise of permissions under the license.