A bot that plays a text-only version of Fire Emblem (also works with friends).
w!register [] - Registers a user.
w!classes - Shows a list of classes.
w!select - Auto-fills .
w!stats - Displays stats.
w!reroll - Rerolls stats.
w!weaponranks - Displays weapon ranks.
w!users - Displays a list of users.
w!weapons - Shows a list of weapons.
w!equip - Equips a weapon.
w!unequip - Unequips a weapon.
w!skills - Shows a list of skills.
w!assign - Assigns a skill.
w!remove - Removes a skill.
w!attackhelp - Shows help regarding attacks.
w!taghelp - Shows help regarding tags.
w!roll [] - Rolls dice.
w!rollhelp - Shows help regarding dice rolling.
w!ping - Pong!
v1.7: The Class Update
- Classes have been added.
- Classes can be chosen during registration by typing w!register .
- Use w!classes for a list of currently implemented classes.
- Classes affect base stats, growths, and abilities to use weapons.
- Stratum enemies will now also be categorized into classes.
- However, as a result, all character data has been cleared. Sorry.
- The Anima weapon triangle has been added to combat.
- Maps are now 15x15, although larger maps are possible and will be randomly generated.
- Hit chances no longer stack each time an attack is calculated.
- An opponent with Fortune equipped no longer sets their own crit chance to 0.
- Tags with no {args} fields no longer break when given extra arguments.
v1.6: The Tag Update
- Tags have been added.
- Tags can be used to incur a specific reaction from the bot.
- Use w!taghelp for help on using tags.
- {args}, {args;n} and {user} fields have been added.
- Adept no longer activates on itself.
- Fixed some naming issues in the combat log.
v1.5: The Map Update
- Maps have been added to boss battles.
- During a boss battle, a 2-D map will display showing positions of allies and enemies.
- Use w!move to move characters on the map. Locations are typed as x,y.
- Enemies must be in range before you can attack them. The same goes for enemies.
- All units have 2 Mov and cannot move through walls.
- Use w!endturn to prematurely end a turn. Attacking or healing will automatically end the turn.
- The attack command has been reduced to w!attack. Physical/magic is now based on your weapon.
- The Physic staff has been added.
v1.4: The Boss Update
- Boss battles have been added.
- Use w!boss <players...> to join a boss battle.
- Cyrus [Lv. 15] is the only battle for now, but more will be added soon.
- Use w!bosses to see a list of bosses, and w!rooms to see a list of rooms.
- Winning a boss battle will grant special weapons.
- Only stratum enemies will now take an automatic turn after an attack.
- Skills Gamble, Luna and Sol have been added.
v1.3: The Combat Update
- An enemy turn has been added.
- The enemy will always retaliate if neither units are dead after initial combat.
- The combat system has been reworked (no visible effects).
- Everything should be a lot smoother going forward.
- Stratum enemies are now limited to lv 1000.
- Generating higher-level enemies could hang the bot.
- You are now forced to re-calculate if either your character or the enemy changes between calculation and conformation.
- Player comparisons now work properly.
- Stats for stratum enemies now display correctly.
- Healing now correctly awards weapon XP.
- Characters are now able to attack without confirming their previous action.
- Skills that are permanently on no longer randomly display activation in combat.
v1.2: The Weapon Ranks Update
- Many more weapons (Bronze, Steel, Brave variants) have been added.
- The shop has been updated to contain more information.
- Weapon ranks have been added. Weapons now require a certain rank to wield.
- Use w!weaponranks to show your weapon ranks.
- Default character selection has been added.
- Use w!select to auto-fill all future tags.
- The Blossom and Discipline skills have been added.
v1.1: The Hit Chance Update
- Hit Rates have been added.
- Have fun missing 99% hits and getting critted with a 1% chance.
- Many skills have been added.\n"
- These include Aptitude, Fortune, Paragon and Pavise
- Tomes (Fire, Wind, Thunder) have been added.
- Training stratums have been introuced.
- Use these by replacing the enemy's name in an attack with "stratum+".
- The heal for infinite HP bug has been quashed.