This is a customized LSPS Application, business application with GO-BPMN models based on the default LSPS Application.
The application has been customized based on the instructions in the custom application guide.
To further adjust the application and test it locally,
Information on how to create a custom theme
Information on how to create custom functions, task types, and form components
To build the application, run mvn clean install
in the root of the application.
Further information on building is available here.
When you run mvn clean install -Plsps.docker
default docker image for the app is build.
project_name=$(printf 'ARTIFACT_ID=${project.artifactId}\n0\n' | mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:evaluate | grep '^ARTIFACT_ID'|cut -d= -f2)
It can be started by the command (replace variables):
docker run --name=lsps -d -p 8080:8080 ${docker.tag.prefix}/${project.artifactId}:latest
docker run --name=lsps -d -p 8080:8080
Usefull docker commands:
docker exec -it lsps bash
enter the container
docker logs lsps --follow
see logs
docker images
list local images
docker container ls -a
list all local containers
docker system prune
remove not used resources
To deploy your application:
- Set up the target environment
- Deploy the ear to the server.
- Export your modules with GO-BPMN export and upload them to the server.
- Run the models as applicable.
Make sure the underlying database tables (LSPS system tables, application's tables with business data, and tables of BAM and Scaffolding libraries) use correct structure (you might need to update the database tables if the structures have changed).
Instructions on database migration are available here.
For further information on LSPS and BPMN models refer to official LSPS documentation.