Simplified Nix Flakes on the command line.
You can install this package imperatively with the following command.
nix profile install github:snowfallorg/flake
You can install this package by adding it as an input to your Nix Flake.
description = "My system flake";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05";
unstable.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
# Snowfall Lib is not required, but will make configuration easier for you.
snowfall-lib = {
url = "github:snowfallorg/lib";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
snowfall-flake = {
url = "github:snowfallorg/flake";
# Flake requires some packages that aren't on 22.05, but are available on unstable.
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "unstable";
outputs = inputs:
inputs.snowfall-lib.mkFlake {
inherit inputs;
src = ./.;
overlays = with inputs; [
# Use the overlay provided by this flake.
# There is also a named overlay, though the output is the same.
If you've added the overlay from this flake, then in your system configuration you
can add the snowfallorg.flake
{ pkgs }:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
Create new projects from flake templates.
# Create a new flake and directory my-project with the default template.
flake new my-project
# Create a new flake and directory my-project with a custom template.
flake new my-project --template github:snowfallorg/templates#package
# Create a new flake and directory my-project with a template selected from a list.
flake new my-project --pick
Initialize a flake in an existing project.
# Create a new flake in the current directory with the default template.
flake init
# Create a new flake in the current directory with a custom template.
flake init --template github:snowfallorg/templates#package
# Create a new flake in the current directory with a template selected from a list.
flake init --pick
Run development shells.
# Open the default development shell of the flake in the current directory.
flake dev
# Open a specific development shell of the flake in the current directory.
flake dev my-shell
# Open a development shell from a specific flake.
flake dev github:snowfall/dotbox#dotbox
# Pick a development shell from the current directory.
flake dev --pick
# Pick a development shell from a specific flake.
flake dev github:snowfall/dotbox --pick
Run apps from Nix Flakes.
# Run the default app of the flake in the current directory.
flake run
# Run a specific app of the flake in the current directory.
flake run my-package
# Run a specific app from a specific flake.
flake run github:snowfall/dotbox#dotbox
# Pick an app to run from the current directory.
flake run --pick
# Pick an app to run from a specific flake.
flake run github:snowfall/dotbox --pick
Build packages from Nix Flakes.
# Build the default package of the flake in the current directory.
flake build
# Build a specific package of the flake in the current directory.
flake build my-package
# Build a package from a specific flake.
flake build github:snowfall/dotbox#dotbox
# Pick a package to build from the current directory.
flake build --pick
# Pick a package to build from a specific flake.
flake build github:snowfall/dotbox --pick
Rebuild and switch system configuration with support for both NixOS and nix-darwin.
# Switch to configuration with the same hostname from the flake in the current directory.
flake switch
# Switch to specific configuration from the flake in the current directory.
flake switch my-system
# Pick a configuration to switch to from the flake in the current directory.
flake switch --pick
# Switch to configuration from a specific flake.
flake switch github:jakehamilton/config#bismuth
# Pick configuration from a specific flake.
flake switch github:jakehamilton/config --pick
Update a Nix Flake's inputs.
# Update all flake inputs.
flake update
# Update one or more specific inputs.
flake update nixpkgs snowfall-lib
# Pick inputs to update from a list.
flake update --pick
Build a NixOS, nix-darwin, and other types of systems.
flake build-system --help
for more information.
# Build the system with the same hostname from the flake in the current directory.
flake build-system
# Build the NixOS system with the same hostname from the flake in the current directory.
flake build-nixos
# Build a specific nix-darwin system from the flake in the current directory.
flake build-darwin my-system
# Build the system with the same hostname from a specific flake.
flake build-system github:jakehamilton/config#bismuth
# Pick and build a system from the flake in the current directory
flake build-system --pick
# Pick and build a system from a specific flake.
flake build-system github:jakehamilton/config --pick
# Build a specific ISO from the flake in the current directory.
flake build-iso my-iso-system
Show NixOS options from Nix Flakes.
flake option
Show NixOS options from Nix Flakes.
flake option [option] [options]
flake option <hostname> [option] [options]
flake option <flake-uri> [option] [options]
--pick, -p Pick options from a list
--help, -h Show this help message
--debug Show debug messages
--show-trace Show a trace when a Nix command fails
# Show options for the current host in the current directory.
$ flake option
# Show options for a specific host.
$ flake option my-host
# Show a specific option for a specific host.
$ flake option my-host services.openssh
# Show options for a flake's host.
$ flake option github:jakehamilton/config#bismuth
# Show a specific option for a flake's host.
$ flake option github:jakehamilton/config#bismuth services.openssh
# Pick options for the flake in the current directory.
$ flake option --pick
# Pick options from a specific flake.
$ flake option github:jakehamilton/config --pick