Welcome to the Webz.io Financial News Dataset Repository! This repository is created by Webz.io and is dedicated to providing free datasets of publicly available news articles categorized as financial news. We release new datasets weekly, each containing around 1,000 news articles focused on various financial topics.
The data is created by running the following query against Webz.io open web repository: topic:"Financial and Economic News" language:english
with a random sentiment filter of positive or negative.
To get ongoing free access to online news data, you can use Webz.io's free News API Lite.
- Weekly Releases: New dataset available every week.
- Thematic Focus: Datasets based on financial themes.
- Rich Metadata: Includes sentiment analysis, categories, publication dates.
- Diverse Sources: Articles from a wide range of news websites.
The datasets are free for academic, research, and journalistic purposes:
- Data Analysis: For statistical analyses, trend identification, and pattern recognition.
- Machine Learning: Suitable for training NLP models, sentiment analysis, etc.
- Journalistic Research: Helps journalists in data-driven storytelling.
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- Find a dataset that suits your needs.
- Download the dataset with its detailed description and metadata file.
For questions or support, raise an issue in the repository.
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