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Releases: WebberZone/contextual-related-posts

Version 3.5.4

26 Aug 12:36
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  • Fixes:
    • include_post_ids and manual_related were not being passed correctly to the query

Full Changelog: 3.5.3...3.5.4


28 Jul 20:04
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3.5.4-beta1 Pre-release


  • Fixes:
    • include_post_ids and manual_related were not being passed correctly to the query

Full Changelog: 3.5.3...3.5.4-beta1

Version 3.5.3

23 Jul 19:14
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  • Modifications:

    • Updated Freemius SDK to 2.7.3
    • Updated Contextual Related Posts block apiVersion to 3
    • Increase background opacity for the Rounded Thumbs style's post title for better readability
  • Fixes:

    • Allow manual_related attribute in shortcode
    • Correctly handle manual_related and include_post_ids arguments when set to 0. Ensure manual_related is set to an empty array when 0 is passed.
    • Correctly check if relation attribute is set for meta_query and tax_query
    • Fixed links to settings and tools page in the admin area
    • Pass post_status when using get_posts()
    • Remove the_posts filter in CRP_Query
    • [Pro] Fixed bug in the Query Loop where custom post types didn't appear in the dropdown

Full Changelog: v3.5.2...3.5.3


21 Jun 21:44
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v3.5.3-beta1 Pre-release

Full Changelog: v3.5.2...v3.5.3-beta1

  • Fixes meta_query check for relation field.


09 Jun 19:32
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  • Modifications:

    • [Pro] If "Only from" same category/tag/taxonomy is enabled, the plugin will sort results by the number of matched taxonomies first, therby optimising the related posts further. The free version will continue to sort by date
    • [Pro] If any of the weights are 0, then the algorithm will not consider that field for matching
  • Bug fix:

    • Custom styles did not get enqueued on the front end
    • Fixed PHP error on Network admin page
    • Fixed bug where post types and taxonomies settings retained the previous values if no option was selected

Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.2


03 Jun 06:33
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  • Bug fix:
    • Fixed memory issue when using the crp shortcode

Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1

Version 3.5.0

01 Jun 14:57
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Complete code rewrite using OOP, namespacing and autoloading. This will make it easier to maintain and extend the plugin in the future.

  • Features:

    • Enter a negative number in the "Insert after paragraph number" setting to insert the related posts from the bottom of the post
    • [Pro] New Related Posts Query Block that allows you to query related posts using a block in the block or site editor
    • [Pro] New feature to set the weight of the title, content and excerpt in the related posts algorithm
    • [Pro] New parameter display_only_on_tax_ids to display related posts only on specific taxonomy terms
    • [Pro] New option added to the Edit Post meta box mapped to include_cat_ids to include related posts from specific categories only
    • [Pro] New Clear cache button in the settings page to clear the cache
  • Enhancements:

    • The plugin supports WP_Query directly if crp_query is set in the query arguments
    • Optimized media handler to reduce the number of queries
    • Cache posts only setting is changed to be true by default
    • Cache HTML output will now cache the HTML output of the related posts list superseding the Cache posts only setting
  • Bug fix:

    • trim_char function returned a blank string instead of the original string if length was 0
    • Insert after paragraph used to insert after an extra paragraph than what was specified

Full Changelog: v3.4.2...v3.5.0


27 May 11:04
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3.5.0-RC1 Pre-release

Full Changelog: v3.5.0-beta2...3.5.0-RC1

Complete code rewrite using OOP, namespacing and autoloading. This will make it easier to maintain and extend the plugin in the future.

  • Features:

    • Enter a negative number in the "Insert after paragraph number" setting to insert the related posts from the bottom of the post
    • [Pro] New Related Posts Query Block that allows you to query related posts using a block in the block or site editor
    • [Pro] New feature to set the weight of the title, content and excerpt in the related posts algorithm
    • [Pro] New parameter display_only_on_tax_ids to display related posts only on specific taxonomy terms
    • [Pro] New option added to the Edit Post meta box mapped to include_cat_ids to include related posts from specific categories only
    • [Pro] New Clear cache button in the settings page to clear the cache
  • Enhancements:

    • The plugin supports WP_Query directly if crp_query is set in the query arguments
    • Optimized media handler to reduce the number of queries
    • Cache posts setting is changed to be true by default
  • Bug fix:

    • trim_char function returned a blank string instead of the original string if length was 0
    • Insert after paragraph used to insert after an extra paragraph than what was specified


09 Apr 22:24
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v3.5.0-beta2 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.4.2...v3.5.0-beta2


19 Feb 21:14
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v3.5.0-beta1 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.4.2...v3.5.0-beta1