Utility Code for Golang, for better map, slice manipulation and condition handling
Require Go 1.13 or newer
JSONTime a common time format, fully compatible with JSON and GORM
Traverse recursively traverse json object and generate path
TraverseBytes is like Traverse but more efficient if use bytes
- GetMysqlErrCode get mysql error code, if error is nil or not a mysql error, return 0. compatible with GORM
JSON Map: marshal JSON-format string(s) to map(s) in one function
Merge: merge maps together
Sequence: extract map keys in-order, with corresponding values
Support int32, int64, uint32, uint64, string key maps
Apply: apply a function to a slice (like lambda function in other language)
Contain: check if a slice contains given element(s)
Index: find indexes of given element(s) in a slice
Merge: merge slices together (with unique merge option)
Reverse: reverse a slice in-place
Sort: stable (reverse) sort slices, by length or numerical sequence
Unique: convert a slice to a unique slice (i.e. elements are unique)
Support int32, int64, uint32, uint64, string, bytes slices
Any, All: judge multiple boolean conditions in one function
Ternary: ternary expression
Quaternary: quaternary expression
HasZeroValue: check if any value is the zero value of its type (e.g. nil, numeric zero)
HasNumber, HasLetter: check if a string contains number/letter
This project is released under MIT license