Python library to calculate the approximate size of a firestore document. This can be used for firebase storage cost analysis, among other things.
pip install firestore_size
from firestore_size.calculate import document_size
# initialize firebase and firestore client
collection = db.collection("data")
doc = collection.doc(id).get()
data = doc.to_dict()
doc_size = document_size(data)
print("Doc Size is ", doc_size)
Checkout how the size of firestore docs is calculated in documentation.
Brief description is
- Array - The sum of the sizes of its values
- Boolean - 1 byte
- Bytes - Byte length
- Date and time - 8 bytes
- Floating-point number - 8 bytes
- Geographical point - 16 bytes
- Integer - 8 bytes
- Map - The size of the map, calculated the same way as document size
- Null - 1 byte
- Reference - The document name size
- Text string - Number of UTF-8 encoded bytes + 1
Does not take into account the name of a document, check docs on how it's calculated.
Does not take into account indexing. Indexes can be disabled - docs - to free up more space.
Create issues for any bugs caught. Fork the repo to your account and send pull request with your changes.
Run tests using
python3 pytest