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Ward edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 4 revisions

Welcome to this little wiki, it's more a docs than a wiki, but anyway.


As I'm currently working on this, and I'm not finished at all, the wiki is in state of HARD WIP, what I mean by that:

  • The information could be out dated
  • I don't know everything, so I will make errors here and there
  • There is actually no tutorial for UE4SS from what I've seen (except their tutorial, but it's not really updated from what I've seen) so I need to think and try again and again until I found a solution that work, so these solution work, are their the best? certainly not, but they work, so take it or leave it

I'm really open to new way and if by any chance you found a better way, please, say it to me, I will update the tutorial!

These tutorials are for the game The Bloodline that you can find here:

What I mean by that: Don't come ask me how you can do that in another game, I don't know and I will probably ignore you :)

Even if these tutorial are for the game The Bloodline, it's probably the same thing for other game, you just need to probably change thing here and there

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