RoomforR is a web application that allows users to find a roommate.
The list of the rooms will appear in the pop up from the location that a user entered on the searchbar (Within 2km radius)
ReactJS/Redux, Googlemap API and SASS were used to design front-end part of the website.
Node js, Express js and POSTGRES database for back-end part.
Start the serverside app on PORT 3001
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start
Searchbar Map Match Mylist login
- axios
- node-sass
- react
- react-dom
- react-scripts
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- @react-google-map/api
- react-places-autocomplete
- react-slideshow-image
- react-popup
- body-parser
- cor
- dotenv
- express.js
- pg