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API reference

WaldoJeffers edited this page May 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

General concepts

React-dc is designed to be as easy as possible to use if you already know to use dc. If dc has a someChart class, with a someAttribute() method used as follows:


then, the equivalent React component in React-dc is <SomeChart />, accepting a someAttribute attribute expecting a value of the same type as dc's method:

<SomeChart someAttribute={50} />

So far so good.

But what happens when a dc method accepts multiple arguments, and some of them are optional? For example, the group() method on the BaseMixin has the following signature:

group( [group] [, name])
Name Type Argument Description
group <optional>
name String <optional>

How can you keep this flexibility regarding the way you want to pass arguments to this method in a React attribute? I chose the following way. For every dc method which accepts multiple arguments, you can either pass to the corresponding React attribute:

  • a single value which will be passed to the method as its first argument (types must match)
  • an Object whose keys are the names of the method's arguments on dc's docs, and values are of the same types as the arguments

For example,

// dc.js
// group is a crossfilter group

is equivalent to:

// React-dc
// group is a crossfilter group
<BarChart group={group} />


// dc.js
// group is a crossfilter group
dc.barChart('#bar-chart').group(group, 'firstGroup')

is equivalent to:

// React-dc
// group is a crossfilter group
<BarChart group={{group: group, name: 'firstGroup'}} />




Name Inherited from Type Required
dimension baseMixin crossfilter.dimension
keyAccessor baseMixin Function
label baseMixin Function | {labelFunction: Function, enableLabels: Boolean}
filter baseMixin any
group baseMixin | {group:, name: String}
height baseMixin Number | Function
ordering baseMixin Function
title baseMixin Function
valueAccessor baseMixin Function
width baseMixin Number | Function
cap capMixin Number
othersGroup capMixin false | Function
othersLabel capMixin String
colorAccessor colorMixin Function
colorDomain colorMixin Array[String]
colors colorMixin d3.color.scale
linearColors colorMixin Array[Number]
ordinalColors colorMixin Array[String]
elasticX self Boolean
fixedBarBeight self Boolean | Number
gap self Number
labelOffsetX self Number
labelOffsetY self Number
renderTitleLabel self Boolean
titleLabelOffsetX self Number
x self d3 quantitative scale


Many charts share the same attributes (eg. group, title...). Thus, it makes sense to have mixins (abstract classes which accept some attributes, but do not correspond to an actual visualization) from which actual charts will inherit their attributes.


Inherited by
  • BarChart
  • PieChart
  • RowChart
Name Type Required
dimension crossfilter.dimension
keyAccessor Function
label Function | {labelFunction: Function, enableLabels: Boolean}
filter any
group | {group:, name: String}
height Number | Function
ordering Function
title Function
valueAccessor Function
width Number | Function


Inherited by
  • PieChart
  • RowChart
Name Type Required
cap Number
othersGroup false | Function
othersLabel String

Color mixin

Inherited by
  • HeatMap
  • RowChart
  • GeoChoroplethChart
  • PieChart
  • BubbleChart
  • BoxPlot