users (have many)
- campaigns
- cards
- services (yelp/insta etc)
- charges
website is at preview.waivescreen.com for now
Current "public" site is at waivescreen.com
Gunicorn (A python3 module that) keeps the python files in check and supervisor (apt install program) keeps gunicorn constantly running.
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Restarting supervisor
sudo supervisorctl reload
This link is helpful regarding configuring supervisor
supervisor constantly runs the command
gunicorn -w 3 run:app
Recomennded to be done using a venv
- flask
- flask_sqlalchemy
- flask_bcrypt
- flask_wtf
Run these commands in the shell
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- django server code - /home/dango_code
- current wordpress server - /var/www (will be removed soon)
- functions - /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/Avada/functions.php
- database entry - /etc/pyfiles/etc/database_entry.py
- turn info to html - /etc/pyfiles/get_db_create_ad.py
In order to update the server or set up a develpment server these things should be done. This is due to be changed so it wont be so tedious.
- Get rid of the website/config_local.py if you're on production
- If you're on development then change config_local.py to config.py Config file is in /etc/config.json
The landing page is essentially:
You can promote with your existing Instagram account Instantly on our Magical Screens
Anybody can do it
No Agency Required
No Credit Card required
No hidden fees
And it's just 1 button.
This button, right here!
Yes that one
The important part are:
- It's magical.
- Most people think you mean "ad agency" - we need to eliminate that
- It has to be automatic on top of a flow they are already doing
- It can't look to be expensive.
After that you log in then.
your promotion just played in Culver City
Your instagram has XX free plays left
Want more?
Want to customize?
Finish your account setup
email / password / credit card
The important parts are:
- A visceral response that the ad already happened
- Something that can be visualized of what actually happened
- An endorphine/dopamine loop that helps to hook people to the status
- The actual convergence of getting payment info and email.
- Not talking about unit economics or how affordable something is.
The last one is important: If you offer a decent product at a decent price you shouldn't have to emphasize that fact ... "show not tell".