Codes for TOISHORAE: Temporal Multi-Interest Pre-training for Sequential Recommendation
Firstly, create a folder named "dataset" in the current directory. Then, within the "dataset" folder, create two subfolders named "Ratings" and "Metadata" respectively. Then you can donwload the dataset from Amazon. The .csv files should be placed in the "Ratings" folder, while meta_*.json.gz files should be placed in the "Metadata" folder. Thanks to UniSRec for providing another link to download datasets from cloud disks
You only needs python to process the raw datasets if you placed the dataset as required in Step1.
You can pretrain the model by python --dataset=FHCKM --gpu_id=0 --save_step=1 --epoch=10 --stage=pretrain --train_batch_size=2048
Notes: the train_batch_size hyperparameter is important, if you modify this hyperparameter, you may get unexpected results due to overfitting. The FHCKM means the mixed pretrain dataset.
You can test the model by python --dataset=Scientific --gpu_id=0 --epoch=100 --stage=trans --train_batch_size=2048 --load_model_path={pretrain_model_path in Step3}
Notes: the load_model_path parameter is printed in Step3, please use the checkpoint ending with "pretrain-9.pkl"(which pretrain for 10 epochs), such as "./saved_model/2-13-50-10/pretrain-9.pkl"
Thanks to UniSRec for its open source codes and datasets.
Notes:I have run the entire code on my computer to ensure that it can be used, if you encounter problems, you can contact me by email