nuxt-panzoom is a simple and easy to use Nuxt 3 module that makes it easy to add zooming and panning functionality to your application. It's built on top of the panzoom library and provides a Vue.js directive that can be used to zoom any element in your template.
You can install the module by running the following command:
npm install @wgr-sa/nuxt-panzoom
Add nuxt-panzoom to the modules section of your nuxt.config.js file:
export default {
modules: [
panzoom: {
addControls: true, // Add PanzoomControls component
In your template, add the panzoom directive to the element you want to make zoomable.
<img src="image.jpg" v-panzoom="{ contain: 'outside' }">
The v-panzoom directive accepts an options object. You can find all the options available in the panzoom library documentation
is a simple controls component. Put it anywhere and pass the element in props. It will show simple zoomIn, zoomOut and reset buttons
<img ref="zoom" v-panzoom="{ contain: 'outside' }" :src="image">
<PanzoomControls v-if="zoom" :el="zoom" />
- Run
npm run dev:prepare
to generate type stubs. - Use
npm run dev
to start playground in development mode.