- Overview of the course
- Review C# basics
- Variables and Data Types
- Operators
- Control Structures
- if, else if, else
- switch
- Loops
- for
- foreach
- while
- do while
- Arrays and Lists
- Functions
- Exception Handling
- Setting up a console application
- Lecture: In this assignment, students will practice basic file I/O operations in C# by reading and writing RPG character data from a text file. The character data is stored in a simple CSV format, with each line representing a character and each character's data separated by a comma. The program reads the character data, levels up each character, and then writes the updated character data back to the file.
- Assignment: Write a simple console application that takes user input and displays output. Then, create a program that reads from and writes to a text file, demonstrating basic file I/O operations. The program should include creating a menu to Read and Write the file, as well as a menu option to "level up" a character.
- Stretch Goal: Implement CsvHelper
class Program
static void Main()
Console.Write("Enter your character's name: ");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter your character's class: ");
string characterClass = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter your character's level: ");
int level = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter your character's equipment (separate items with a '|'): ");
string[] equipment = Console.ReadLine().Split('|');
Console.WriteLine($"Welcome, {name} the {characterClass}! You are level {level} and your equipment includes: {string.Join(", ", equipment)}.");