Hiccup the game is fun html5 canvas and javascript based game where the goal is to collect coins and get to the end of the level with out getting attacked by the lobster.
Coins generate endlessly and randomly on every level, you move your character by pressing left right up arrow keys or a,w,d. If your character isn’t standing on a block it will fall down. Using the space you shoot fireballs via a hiccup action at the lobster. Be careful though the lobster comes back after 3 seconds and you can only shoot one fireball at a time.
Errors and comments
lines 13-19 are the current way images get loaded so they can be drawn later
line 23 calls line 162-185 which involves using a for loop to load the images I haven’t figured out how to then draw the images though
94-97 were going to be layouts for the images like the rectangles and circles
108 will be what is seen if there is no image
<h1> GOAL </h1>
<h3> have the front end done by the 14th</h3>
If char goes up level +1 if pushed down -1 If 0 then give 1.5 sec delay if 1 then give .5 delay
How to get profile pics https://graph.facebook.com/userid_here/picture
Make game where you can jump through blocks and if you go over the gaps you fall Why do you fall? There is an item that indicates the users falls a fan a or lava something or other Limit the enemies from falling ? Or maybe have them just disappear if they are in the fall area
What do I need?
enemy spawn ✓
reach first level end ✓
life bar that indicate a loss
tutorial for first level, intrdoduce new things on the later level
after the Tutorial module pop up continue with game ? or Main menu
if player reaches end point log next level see voice memo for details
add a timer for each level
add “animations”
get points that earn different bodies/ more powerful weapons
score saved to database
log in with facebook
Facebook user profile api
Highscore Shows most coins earned as well as fastest time
Arena level where its just endless Facebook friends genreated where the high score is for most enimies defeated
Reward regular playing with things
Game pad for mobile device