In this repository you will find the Godot and Blender files that will be used during the workshop.
All the workshop is covered by this LICENSE except Mixamo © contents which are free to use.
- Start from the empty 3D world
- Add a Node3D (3D Scene)
- Add a floor using the Box (CSGBox3D)
- Set the dimensions (Size: 10, 1, 10)
- Zoom out (mouse wheel) to see the floor
- Add a Sphere
- Set the position (Transform -> Position: 0, 5, 0)
- Configure 2 view (View->2 View ports alt)
- Add a camera
- Click on Preview in the second view
- Set the position
- You can move the camera using the color arrows to view the scene
- Or you can move it directly to 0, 4, 20
- Add the SUN and the World Environment using the menu displayed clicking in the 3 buttons over the 3D view
- Save the scene as initial.tscn
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You should see the same as in the Camera Preview view
- Save the previous scene as "initial_animation.tscn"
- Add a new Node "AnimationPlayer"
- In the Animation Player press in "Animation" button to create a new animation. Call it "new_animation"
- Select the sphere and in the properties Inspector panel, click in the key icon next to Transform->Position
- Confirm the creation of the key
- In the animation player go to second 1
- Select the sphere and in the properties Inspector panel, change the y position to 0 in Transform->Position->y and click in the key icon next to Transform->Position
- Press in Play in the Animation Player and check that the sphere goes from y=5 in second 0 to y=0 in second 1
- Save the initial scene as "initial_physics.tscn"
- Add a StaticBody3D node to the Root node (Initial)
- Move inside it the Box
- Add to this node a CollisionShape3D
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Click in BoxShape3D and define the same size as the floor: 10, 1, 10
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Add a RigidBody3D node to the Root node (Initial)
- Move inside it the Sphere
- Add to this node a CollisionShape3D
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Click in BoxShape3D and select SphereShape. Position it at 0, 5, 0
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see the ball falling due to the gravity until it collides with the floor.
- Remove the initial cube
- Build a basic character with
- A sphere as head (use G+)
- Add sphere
- Move it to Location 0, 0, 6
- Cubes for
- The body
- Scale Z to 2 and move to Location 0, 0, 3
- The arms
- Two boxes
- Left arm: Scale 0.3, 1.5, 0.3 - Location 0, 2.5, 4.5
- Right arm: Scale 0.3, 1.5, 0.3 - Location 0, -2.5, 4.5
- Two boxes
- The legs
- Two boxes
- Left leg: Scale 0.3, 1.5, 0.3 - Location 0, 1.5, 0 - Rotation -45, 0, 0
- Right leg: Scale 0.3, 1.5, 0.3 - Location 0, 1.5, 0- Rotation 45, 0, 0
- Two boxes
- The body
- A sphere as head (use G+)
- Save the blender scene as "basic.blend"
- Save the blender scene as "basic_anim.blend"
- Add Armature (it adds an initial bone, which is the spine)
- Change to Location 0, 0, 1.5 - Scale 3, 3, 3
- Change to Wireframe view (top right icon with an empty circle with wires) so you can see the armature
- Change to Edit Mode and create the rest of the skeleton
- Select an extreme of the current bone en press "E"
- From the upper extreme add 2 bones for the arms and 1 bone for the neck
- From the bottom extreme add two bones for the legs
- Change to object mode and select all the cube for the model using CTRL+left-mouse-button and select also the armature as the last one
- Press right-mouse-button over the selection and select Parent->Armature deform->With automatic weights
- Go to Pose mode, select left leg bone, move it, and check that the left leg will also be moved. The bones move also the model.
- Save the blender scene as "basic_anim_rigging.blend"
- Go to Pose Mode
- Select all the bones (a key)
- Press right-mouse-button->Insert KeyFrame->Location and Rotation
- Move the skeleton to the final desired position
- Go to second 5 in the Timeline view (drag it up from the bottom of the main window)
- Select all the bones (a key)
- Press right-mouse-button->Insert KeyFrame->Location and Rotation
- Go to second 1 and copy the keyframes
- Go to second 10 in the Timeline view and paste the second 1 keyframes
- Set the total duration for the timeline to 10s (100)
- Save the scene
- Export it as a glTF 2.0
- Add a new scene to Godot with a 3D node and save it as blender_animation
- Add a camera, the SUN and the World Environment as before
- Camera: Position 10, 2, 0 - Rotation: 0, 90, 0
- Drag and drop the "basic_anim_rigging.glb" file to resources panel (In the FileSystem tab)
- Drag the file from Godot resource panel to 3D view
- Add code to the scene so the animation is played
- Select the root node and press the paper with a green +
- Press the Create button in the modal dialog that appears
- In the func _ready() add the code to start the animation
- Select the root node and press the paper with a green +
func _ready():
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see the model animated
- Godot can generate cinematics (video) from the scene
- Go to Project->Project Settings->Editor->Movie Writer and define where the movie file must be generated (basicRigging.avi)
- Then select the Film icon (the last one in the top right) and play the scene as usual
- MoCap is powerfull to capture animations directly from the real world
- Mixamo is a sample of it. The characters and animations are royalty free for personal, commercial, and non-profit projects (FAQ). Free as a beer.
- Auto-rigger and animation libraries are for bipedal humanoids only.
- Go to, create an account, select a character and an animation and download it
- Use Ty character with Falling animation
- Press Download button and use the default config (FBX format)
- Open Blender, remove the cube, import the Falling.fbx and export it as a glTF 2.0
- Open Godot project
- Add a new scene to Godot with a 3D node and save it as mixamo_animation
- Drag and drop the "Falling.glb" file to resources panel (In the FileSystem tab)
- Drag and drop the file "Falling.glb" from Godot resource panel to 3D view
- Position at 0, 10, 0
- Add a camera, the SUN and the World Environment as before
- Camera: Position 0, 0, 0 - Rotation: 90, 0, 0
- Add code to the scene so the animation is played
- Select the root node and press the paper with a green +
- Press the Create button in the modal dialog that appears
- In the func _ready() add the code to start the animation
- Select the root node and press the paper with a green +
func _ready():
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see the model animated
- Open in Godot the mixamo_animation scene
- Save it as mixamo_animation_falls
- Add a RigidBody3D node to the Root node (Mixamo)
- Move inside it the Falling node
- Change the scene code to
func _ready():
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see the model animated falling
- Open in Godot the mixamo_animation_falls scene
- Save it as mixamo_animation_falls_with_floor
- Add a floor using the Box (CSGBox3D)
- Set the dimensions (Size: 10, 1, 10)
- Add a StaticBody3D node to the Root node (Mixamo)
- Move inside it the Box
- Add to this node a CollisionShape3D
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Click in BoxShape3D and define the same size as the floor: 10, 1, 10
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- In the RigidBody3D
- Add to this node a CollisionShape3D
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Click in BoxShape3D and define the same size to contain the Ty model: 1, 1, 3
- Move it to Position 0, 11, 0 (Ty model must be inside it)
- In the properties select BoxShape3D
- Add to this node a CollisionShape3D
- Transform the camera to Location 0, 4, 10 - Rotation 0, 0, 0
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see the model animated falling
- When Ty hits (collides) the floor he stopped
- Create a cinematic with it
- Go to Project->Project Settings->Editor->Movie Writer and define where the movie file must be generated (TyFalling.avi)
- Then select the Film icon (the last one in the top right) and play the scene as usual
- You can change the bounce property of the floor to simulate it is an elastic bed
- Create a new scene and save it as "dance.tscn", and add the flor of the previous scenes but with 0.1 for y size
- Import in the Godot project the models "ClaireDance" and "TuyDance" from the repository mixano folder
- Position ClaireDance model at -3, 0.05, 0
- Position TuyDance model at 3, 0.05, 0
- Add the AnimationPlayer node create a new animation with for 10s:
- "ClaireDance" moving from its original position to 1, 0.05, 0 (only x changes)
- "TuyDance" moving from its original position to 1, 0.05, 0 (only x changes)
- Change the scene code to
extends Node3D
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
var newTuy = $TuyDance.duplicate()
var newClaire = $ClaireDance.duplicate()
newTuy.position = Vector3(0, 0, -2)
newClaire.position = Vector3(0, 0, 2)
var danceRoot = get_node(".")
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see four models dancing
- Save the "dance.tscn" scene as "dance_moving_camera.tscn"
- Remove the script selecting the root node and pressing the paper icon with a red cross
- Add a new script pressing the paper icon with a green plus
- Save ths script with the name ""
- Copy the "" contents to ""
- Select the camera node and animate it moving to Position
- At 5s to -2, 1.5, 3
- At 10s to 0, 1.5, 2
- Press in the Top right second Play button (F6) to start the "game"
- You must see four models dancing with the camera approaching the dance
- Let's create a new scene from "dance_moving_camera.tscn", "dance_moving_camera_collision.tscn"
- The goal is to detect a collision between the two dancers
- When they "touch" they must stop dancing
- They must rotate so they can look to each other
- In order to detect the collision let's create two RigidBody3D
- Inside each RigidBody3D we move the character, and also we create a CollisionShape3D, box, with the character inside
- The CollisionShape3D must be animated to be moved with the characters
- In the RigidBody3D we need to activate the Contact Monitor property and change the Max Contacts Reported to 10
- Connect the RigidBody3D body_entered signal for one of the characters to this code
func _on_claire_rigid_body_3d_body_entered(body):
if body != $StaticBody3D:
- When the two characters collide they rotate to look to each other and the dance continues