This is a small Rust program which relays data between a raw tcp socket (can act as server or client) and a virtual USB-ACM serial converter.
It takes many parts from the usbip crate example
You need to install usbip on your system. Packages are usually in the repos on Linux Distributions
Make sure you have Rust installed.
Clone and build this project
$ git clone
$ cd TCP-V-Serial
$ cargo build --release
- Run the virtual serial server. This example sets up a TCP server on 8888 and a USB/IP Server on 9999
$ RUST_LOG="info" ./target/release/tcpvserial -l -a -p 9999
- Connect bind the USB/IP device
$ sudo usbip --tcp-port 9999 attach -r localhost -b 0
- Done. You can now connect to the TCP/Telnet server and use the serial device (example using netcat, cat and echo):
$ netcat localhost 8888
Hello World
$ echo "Hello World" > /dev/ttyACM0
$ cat /dev/ttyACM0