Project for creating a total list of genes for a bacteria.
Pipeline can be run by downloading repository and executing file. Before that, please download all the required python packages:
- numpy – pipeline uses some arrays from numpy
- matplotlib – plots
- seaborn – plots
- pandas – working with tables
- tqdm – progress bar
- dominate for creating html-summary
Also, please install cd-hit and add it to your $PATH variable, so it could be run from command line.
File executes following scripts from ./functions/:
All the steps, that take a lot of time have tqdm inside, so you can always see progress bar in your python console. writes result of it's work to a file ./logs/pipeline.log. All the steps off the pipeline described below in details.
Creates subdirectories needed for the other steps of the pipeline.
Directory tree after work of the pipeline will look like this (except for .py files):
├── cd_hit - folder with cd-hit results
├── data - folder where all the downloaded data will be saved
│ ├── assembly_summary.txt - table with all organism assemblies from refseq
│ ├── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2 - folder with files for that assembly
│ │ ├── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_db_alignment.csv - generated by align_to_db()
│ │ ├── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_feature_table.txt - from NCBI
│ │ ├── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna - from NCBI
│ │ ├── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_protein.faa - from NCBI
│ │ └── GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_protein.gpff - from NCBI
│ ├── GCF_000006665.1_ASM666v1
│ ...
├── logs
│ ├── alignment.log - log of align_to_database()
│ ├── database.log - log of create_database()
│ ├── downloading.log - log of download_genomes()
│ └── pipeline.log - general log
├── images - some images for illustration purposes
├── plots - folder with graphs
└── results
├── proteome.faa - fasta file with all the protein coding genes from all the genomes with extra information
├── genes_info.tsv - data frame with following format (tab-separated):
│ gene info
│ gene_1[genome:genome_1] info_1
│ ...
│ gene_n[genome:genome_n] info_n
│ Information about genes is extracted from fasta header. Genome id is appended to each gene
├── cluster_info.json - Counter in .json format for each cluster. Counts information about genes in the cluster
│ so you could understand, what the cluster contains.
├── total_list.csv - table with clusters in rows and genomes in columns. Number on the intersection means, how
│ many genes from this cluster the genome contains.
├── clusters.csv - data frame with following columns:
│ 1. 'cluster' — cluster of a sequence
│ 2. 'representative' — boolean variable, which indicates, if the given sequence is representative
│ in the cluster
│ 3. 'gene' — name of the sequence from fasta header with appended genome id
│ 4. 'length' — length of the gene's sequence
│ 5. 'identity' — identity of a sequence to representative sequence of its cluster
│ 6. 'name' — name of the sequence from fasta header without appended genome id
│ 7. 'genome' — genome id from fasta header
│ 8. 'info' — information about gene from its fasta header
└── summary.txt - summary about results
Downloads assembly_summary.txt from NCBI ftp-site to ./data folder. For example, for Escherichia coli the file will be downloaded from . If you want to use another organism, please set it's name to ORGANISM constant in ./
Then, only assemblies with assembly_level "Complete Genome" or "Chromosome" are selected. For each of them the following files will be downloaded:
- protein.faa.gz – contains amino acid sequences.
- feature_table.txt.gz – contains information about genes, i.e, start and end in a genome.
- genomic.fna.gz – complete nucleotide sequence of a genome.
- protein.gpff.gz – protein sequence and annotation for each gene.
Then all the files are extracted from their archives.
Information about the work process of the function is being written to ./logs/downloading.log.
Creates one fasta file with protein sequences from all the genomes in ./data/ folder. File format has some extra information in header, making it easier for the following analysis. Example of some sequences in the file:
>WP_000002298.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P-lyase [Enterobacteriaceae] [start:4548948] [end:4549793] [genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_]
>WP_000002474.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: transcriptional regulator [Proteobacteria] [start:731039] [end:731941] [genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_]
>WP_000002542.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: S26 family signal peptidase [Enterobacteriaceae] [start:2854078] [end:2855052] [genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_]
Gene IDs are concatenated with genome IDs. It helps to distinguish genes with the same name after CD-hit clustering. Also information about start, end, and genome of each gene is written in square brackets. File can be found in ./results/proteome.faa.
This function also creates ./results/genes_info.tsv file. It is a tab-separated table with two columns: gene and info. Information is extracted from fasta files headers. For sequences above the file will look like this:
gene info
WP_000002298.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P-lyase [Enterobacteriaceae]
WP_000002474.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: transcriptional regulator [Proteobacteria]
WP_000002542.1[genome:GCF_002741575.1_ASM274157v1_] MULTISPECIES: S26 family signal peptidase [Enterobacteriaceae]
Information about the work process of the function is being written to ./logs/proteome.log
This function does couple of things:
- Performs CD-hit clustering. Threshold can be changed by setting THRESHOLD constant in ./ By default it is 90. CD-hit output files are being saved in ./cd_hit folder. You don't have to look at them though, because they are being processed and saved in convenient form in ./results/clusters.csv. This table contains following columns:
- cluster — cluster of a sequence
- representative — boolean variable, which indicates, if the given sequence is representative in the cluster
- gene — name of the sequence from fasta header with appended genome id
- length — length of the gene's sequence
- identity — identity of a sequence to representative sequence of its cluster
- name — name of the sequence from fasta header without appended genome id
- genome — genome id from fasta header
- info — information about gene from its fasta header
For example:
cluster | representative | gene | length | identity | name | genome | info |
Cluster 0 | False | WP_000052493.1[genome:GCF_001558995.2_ASM155899v2_] | 1461 | 96.99 | WP_000052493.1 | GCF_001558995.2_ASM155899v2_ | Ig-like domain repeat protein [Escherichia coli] |
Cluster 0 | False | WP_001693637.1[genome:GCF_001890225.1_ASM189022v1_] | 1461 | 96.99 | WP_001693637.1 | GCF_001890225.1_ASM189022v1_ | Ig-like domain [Escherichia coli] |
Cluster 0 | False | WP_000052468.1[genome:GCF_001612495.1_ASM161249v1_] | 1461 | 97.06 | WP_000052468.1 | GCF_001612495.1_ASM161249v1_ | Ig-like domain repeat protein [Escherichia coli] |
Cluster 0 | True | WP_021523017.1[genome:GCF_003031795.1_ASM303179v1_] | 6925 | 100.0 | WP_021523017.1 | GCF_003031795.1_ASM303179v1_ | MULTISPECIES: Ig-like domain repeat protein [Enterobacteriaceae] |
- For each cluster it counts the information in info column. Result (python collections.Counter object) is being saved in ./results/cluster_info.json. You can use it do understand a structure of the cluster and to give the clusters readable name. Here's example of visualisation of information about 1 cluster:
- Creates a total list of genes. It is the table with clusters in rows and genomes in columns. Number on the intersection means, how many genes from this cluster the genome contains. It is being saved in ./results/total_list.csv
Information about the work process of the function is being written to ./logs/total_list.log
Creates plots and html summary of the process.
If you had any problems with that tool or have any notes, please contact