Log in to the Magento server, go to your Magento install dir and run these commands:
composer require mirasvit/module-profiler
php -f bin/magento module:enable Mirasvit_Profiler
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:enable
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:enable # Enable profiler
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:disable # Disable profiler
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:status # Current status
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:allow-ips # Allow only specified IPs
php -f bin/magento mirasvit:profiler:allow-ips --none # Remove IP restriction
Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
- M2.2
- Issue #20
- PHP 5.6.x
- Issues with less compilation
- Significant changes in UI
- Improve styles load mechanism
- Initial release