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Paradox is based on Scythe AntiCheat and can be found here.
Want to modify the addon? The best way to do this is too navigate to your file location of your Minecraft files, usually located at: %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\minecraftWorlds
Once you navigate there, go into behaviour packs, and then paradox anticheat. This is where all modifications will start!
To disable/enable modules, or change settings, navigate through scripts/data/config.js
and open the file - you can edit the file with whatever program you want (including just notes). The top of the file is a list of all the commands that you can set to true
or false
depending if you want to see them in game. Below those is a list of paradox’s modules. Below is an example module:
"antikbA": {
"enabled": true,
"magnitude": -0.078
Enabled is currently set to true
, which means it’s running in game. In some modules, there may be special settings - this one has magnitude
definitions below:
- takes a float value, and controls the amount of motion detected as none in the velocity (antikb) module. -
- takes an int value, and controls how long a sting can be minimum - used for bad packets. -
- takes an int value, and controls how long a sting can be maximum - used for bad packets. -
- takes an int value, and is the same as minLength, but for player names in namespoof. -
- takes an int value, and is the same as maxLength, but for player names in namespoof. -
- takes a bool, and controls where the check can be run (only used for bedrock validate). -
- takes a bool, and controls where the check can be run (only used for bedrock validate). -
- takes an int value, and controls how far is considered illegal reach in the reach check. -
- takes a float value, and controls how fast is considered illegal in the speed check -
- takes an int, and controls what is considered a max stack check in hack clients.
To add names to the global ban list, navigate through scripts/data/globalban.js
and open the file - you can edit the file with whatever program you want (including just notes). Add new names at the top using the same format as those below it. For reference:
export const banplayer = [
{name: 'DividingHare956'},
{name: 'Wildanimal49'},
export const banplayer = [
{name: 'DividingHare956'},
{name: 'YourAddedName'},
{name: 'Wildanimal49'},
The same works for the illegal items list, which can also be found in the same directory! It’s a very simple list that you can add items too, I recommend adding them at the top - only thing that you should keep in mind is that they need a namespace, so minecraft:itemname
for vanilla items, and customnamespacehere:itemname
for special addon items.
export const illegalitems = [
export const illegalitems = [
Ideally, all commands should have a clone version that works as a function if gametest is off, but most of the anticheat is very reliant on gametest, so the commands listed will be in their gametest version only. If you can’t use gametest (like if you are on Xbox or an older version, I recommend you use a different anticheat, or none at all).
Command | Usage | Example |
!help | Shows a help page similar to this in Minecraft. | !help |
!ban | Ban the specified user. | !ban @DividingHare956 Hacking |
!kick | Kick the specified user. | !kick @Wildanimal49 Spamming |
!mute | Mute the specified user. | !mute @NicktrosGaming Speaking |
!umute | Unmute the specified user. | !unmute @NicktrosGaming |
!notify | Enables/Disables cheat notifications. | !notify |
!credits | Shows the credits - thats it. | !credits |
!op | Adds Op to a player for Paradox AntiCheat features. | !op @Visual1mpact |
!deop | Revokes Op from a player in Paradox AntiCheat features. | !deop @GlitchyTurtle |
!modules | View all enabled or disabled modules that can be toggled from in game. | !modules |
!prefix | Change the command prefix to something else, like ?help. | !prefix ¥ |
!prefix reset | Change the command prefix back to default: !help | !prefix reset |
!lockdown | Kicks all players from the server, aside from staff. Useful for maintenance. | !lockdown |
!punish | Remove all items from a specified players inventory and ender chest. | !punish @BIGBOY6914 |
!tpa | Teleport to a specified player. | !tpa @soupergamer0 |
!auracheck | Summons a fake player entity to test a suspected hacker. | !auracheck @CardPenguin8630 |
!ecwipe | Clears a players ender chest. | !ecwipe @Crazygamer |
!fly | Enables/disables fly mode in survival for you. | !fly |
!freeze | Freeze a player and make it so they cant move. | !freeze @gingerfrog79175 |
!stats | View a specific players anticheat logs. | !stats @Loudambeince |
!fullreport | View all players anticheat logs, will spam chat a bit. | !fullreport |
!vanish | Turns you invisible so you can follow suspects. View a specific players anticheat logs. | !vanish |
!clearchat | This command clears chat. What else would it do? | !clearchat |
!invsee | List a specified players inventory in chat, including data values. | !invsee @sandshrew81 |
!sethome | Optional command for players to set their home, which the can teleport back to easily. | !sethome |
!gohome | Teleports you to your set home if it exists. | !gohome |
!listhome | Shows a list of saved homes to teleport back to. | !listhome |
!delhome | Deletes a saved home location from your list if it exists. | !delhome |
!tag | Adds a chat rank to a specified player, which will show when they send messages. | !tag @Point Rank:Admin |
!tag reset | Resets the chart rank of a specified player. | !tag @Point reset |
!allowgma | Toggles this module. Allows players to be in game mode adventure. | !allowgma |
!allowgmc | Toggles this module. Allows players to be in game mode creative. | !allowgmc |
!allowgms | Toggles this module. Allows players to be in game mode survival. | !allowgms |
!removecb | Toggles this module. Removes command blocks near players. | !removecb |
!bedrockvalidate | Toggles this module. Replaces bedrock automatically every few seconds. | !bedrockvalidate |
!overridecbe | Toggles this module. Forces commandblocksenabled gamerule to be enabled or disabled at all times | !overridecbe |
!worldborder | Toggles this module. Stops players from going past a certain set of coordinates. | !worldborder |
!autoclicker | Toggles this module. Stops players who click over a certain cps while attacking. | !autoclicker |
!jesusa | Toggles this module. Prevents players from walking on water or lava. | !jesusa |
!enchantedarmor | Toggles this module. Prevents players from wearing enchanted armor. | !enchantedarmor |
!autoaura | Toggles this module. Periodically tests for players using killaura. | !autoaura |
!antikb | Toggles this module. Prevents players from using hacks to stop taking knockback. | !antikb |
!badpackets1 | Toggles this module. Checks message length for each broadcast. | !badpackets1 |
!spammera | Toggles this module. Prevents players from spamming while moving. | !spammera |
!spammerb | Toggles this module. Prevents players from spamming hitting another player. | !spammerb |
!spammerc | Toggles this module. Prevents players from spamming right clicking. | !spammerc |
!spammerd | Toggles this module. Prevents players from spamming while in GUI. | !spammerd |
!antispam | Toggles this module. Prevents players from spamming, covers all modules of spam. | !antispam |
!crashera | Toggles this module. Prevents players from crashing the game with invalid cords. | !crashera |
!namespoofa | Toggles this module. Detects players with a impossibly long name. | !namespoofa |
!namespoofb | Toggles this module. Detects players with invalid characters in their name. | !namespoofb |
!reacha | Toggles this module. Detects players who place blocks out of range. | !reacha |
!reachb | Toggles this module. Detects players who break blocks out of range. | !reachb |
!noslowa | Toggles this module. Detects player with slowness who are moving at normal speed. | !noslowa |
!flya | Toggles this module. Detects players in the air while also being velocity boosted. | !flya |
!illegalitemsa | Toggles this module. Clears players of illegal items from their inventory. | !illegalitemsa |
!illegalitemsb | Toggles this module. Clears players of illegal items before items can be used. | !illegalitemsb |
!illegalitemsc | Toggles this module. Clears illegal items placed in the world. | !illegalitemsc |
!illegalitemsd | Toggles this module. Detects illegal items dropped in the world. | !illegalitemsc |
!stackban | Toggles this module. Detects player with items over 64 and bans them. | !stackban |
!antiscaffolda | Toggles this module. Prevents players from scaffolding by counting blocks per second. | !antiscaffolda |
!antinukera | Toggles this module. Prevents players from nuking the world. | !antinukera |
!xraya | Toggles this module. Tells staff in chat when someone mines an ore and where. | !xraya |
!chatranks | Toggles this module.Turns off the chat ranks feature from !tag. | !chatranks |
!antishulker | Toggles this module. Clears shulkers from players inventories. | !antishulker |
!unbanwindow | Allows banned players to join for a time. Remove their tag isBanned when they join. |
!unbanwindow |