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Merge pull request #767 from VirtualFlyBrain/alpha
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Alpha tested release
  • Loading branch information
Robbie1977 authored Nov 8, 2020
2 parents 0bb30c3 + f157ba9 commit 04a55af
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Showing 101 changed files with 8,093 additions and 1,694 deletions.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions

name: CI

# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push only. ToDo: handle pull requests for testing only
branches: '*'

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# Deploy the local and remote versions of geppetto-vfb
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# total job timeout:
timeout-minutes: 60

# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job

# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2

# Decide based on branch which servers to use
- name: Pass branch
id: branch
run: echo "::set-output name=value::${GITHUB_REF##*/}";
- name: Setup local servers
id: local-servers
shell: bash
run: if [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == master ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to master setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::http://pdb:7474";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::http://owl:8080/kbs/vfb/";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::http://ocpu:80/ocpu/library/vfbr/R/vfb_nblast";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";
elif [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == debug ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == pipeline2 ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == vfb_geppetto_application ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == development ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to dev setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::http://pdb:7474";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::http://owl:8080/kbs/vfb/";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::http://ocpu:80/ocpu/library/vfbr/R/vfb_nblast";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::development";
elif [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == alpha ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to alpha setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::http://pdb:7474";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::http://owl:8080/kbs/vfb/";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::http://ocpu:80/ocpu/library/vfbr/R/vfb_nblast";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::staging";
echo "::debug::Set to default setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::http://pdb:7474";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::http://owl:8080/kbs/vfb/";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::http://ocpu:80/ocpu/library/vfbr/R/vfb_nblast";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";
- name: Setup remote servers
id: remote-servers
shell: bash
run: if [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == master ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to master setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";
elif [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == debug ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == pipeline2 ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == vfb_geppetto_application ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == development ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to dev setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";
elif [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == alpha ] ; then
echo "::debug::Set to alpha setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";
echo "::debug::Set to default setup";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_OWL_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_R_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=SOLR_SERVER::";
echo "::set-output name=BUILD_TYPE::release";

# Output the chosen servers
- name: Used remote servers
run: |
echo PDB:${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_PDB_SERVER }}
echo OWL:${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_OWL_SERVER }}
echo SOLR:${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.SOLR_SERVER }}
echo TREE_PDB:${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER }}
echo R:${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_R_SERVER }}
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1

- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1

- name: Login to DockerHub
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}

- name: Build and push local wss
id: docker_build_local
timeout-minutes: 15
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
push: true
tags: "virtualflybrain/geppetto-vfb:${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}-local.wss"
build-args: |
VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER }}
SOLR_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.SOLR_SERVER }}
VFB_R_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.VFB_R_SERVER }}
VFB_OWL_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.VFB_OWL_SERVER }}
VFB_PDB_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.VFB_PDB_SERVER }}
build_type=${{ steps.local-servers.outputs.BUILD_TYPE }}
targetBranch=${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}
originBranch=${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}
- name: Build and push remote
id: docker_build_remote
timeout-minutes: 15
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
push: true
tags: "virtualflybrain/geppetto-vfb:${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}-remote"
build-args: |
VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_TREE_PDB_SERVER }}
SOLR_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.SOLR_SERVER }}
VFB_R_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_R_SERVER }}
VFB_OWL_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_OWL_SERVER }}
VFB_PDB_SERVER_ARG=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.VFB_PDB_SERVER }}
build_type=${{ steps.remote-servers.outputs.BUILD_TYPE }}
targetBranch=${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}
originBranch=${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}
- name: Image digest
run: |
echo "local:${{ steps.docker_build_local.outputs.digest }}"
echo "remote:${{ steps.docker_build_remote.outputs.digest }}"
- name: Install Puppeteer
run: npm install jest@24.8.0 jest-image-snapshot@4.1.0 puppeteer@1.17.0 jest-puppeteer@4.3.0 @babel/preset-env@7.4.5 url-join@4.0.0 @babel/core@7.4.5
- name: Start VFB server
run: docker run -t -dit --name=testServer -p 8080:8080 "virtualflybrain/geppetto-vfb:${{ steps.branch.outputs.value }}-remote";
- name: Wait for VFB server to spin up
run: |
export LANDING_PAGE="http://localhost:8080/org.geppetto.frontend/geppetto"
Test () { export http_status=$(curl -s -i $LANDING_PAGE | grep HTTP/1.1 | awk {'print $2'}); echo "Returned status \"$http_status\""; if [ "$http_status" != "200" ]; then echo "Waiting for docker to finish building..."; iterations=$((iterations+1)); if [ "$iterations" != "100" ]; then sleep 1; Test; fi; else echo "$(date) - connected successfully"; fi; }
- name: Test batch 1
run: npm test -- --verbose --colors --forceExit --testPathPattern='geppetto-vfb/tests/jest/vfb/batch1/.*js'
- name: Test batch 2
run: npm test -- --verbose --colors --forceExit --testPathPattern='geppetto-vfb/tests/jest/vfb/batch2/.*js'
- name: Test batch 3
run: npm test -- --verbose --colors --forceExit --testPathPattern='geppetto-vfb/tests/jest/vfb/batch3/.*js'
- name: Test under review
continue-on-error: true
run: |
if [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == debug ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == pipeline2 ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == vfb_geppetto_application ] || [ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" == development ] || [[ "${GITHUB_REF##*/}" =~ ^(fix|feature).* ]] ; then
npm test -- --verbose --colors --forceExit --testPathPattern='geppetto-vfb/tests/jest/vfb/review/.*js';
- name: Stop VFB server
run: docker stop testServer
84 changes: 0 additions & 84 deletions .travis.yml

This file was deleted.


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