For overall project summary click here
How to run:
clone and cd into the repo and run the following command:
pip install -e .
specify the path to the competition .json files in
the environment will load the map, agent and task files from the relative path provided in the .json
The repo for maps can be found here
Lightweight multi-agent gridworld Gym environment built on the MiniGrid environment.
- Python 3.5+
- OpenAI Gym
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
The environment can be either fully or partially observable. Each grid cell is encoded with a tuple containing:
- The type of the object (can be another agent)
- Provided object types are: wall, floor, lava, door, key, ball, box, goal, object goal and agent
- The color of the object or other agent
- The type of the object that the other agent is carrying
- The color of the object that the other agent is carrying
- The direction of the other agent
- Whether the other agent is actually one-self (useful for fully observable view)
Actions in the basic environment:
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Move forward
- Done (task completed, optional)