Big improvements !
New Features
Added stemming tokenizers
It's a more accurate way to tokenize your words, Stemming consist of cutting word to their root form, for example "teacher" will become "teach" as well as "teaching", so that searching these variations will guide the search through this same root.
You must configure your schemas with these new tokenizers and then rebuild your index if you want to use them.
There is stemming tokenizers for many languages, thanks to the library wamania/php-stemmer
Languages provided: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
Improved faceting
Now you can retrieve your facets based on your current search, it's unfortunately a little bit slower when generating the cache (so on the first query)
Improved greatly the fuzzy searching feature !
Now you have a real fuzzy search with approximations of words. The cost of the approximate function is defined in the configuration $array["config"]["fuzzy_cost"] = 1.
The fuzzy cost is the number of typos that will be scanned, examples:
- cost = 1, search = "lorem" => "lorem" found
- cost = 1, search = "lotem" => "lorem" found
- cost = 1, search = "lotam" => not found
- cost = 2, search = "lotam" => "lorem" found again.
v1.0 Approaching ?
I think all the main features are here, maybe i'll review the code and optimize as much as I can. I'm giving some time to think of new possible features as well as bug fixing. If there is not much ideas coming i'll release the 1.0 anyway.