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A blogging website created using MERN stack, and deployed continually using github actions

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Fork the repo and Use the below commands to build, deploy and start the service:


npm run deploy


npm run start-dev


npm run start-prod



Routes the path to the appropriate components

"/" <Home />

"/blogs" <Blogs/>

"/blog/:id" <Blog />

"/signup" <Signup />

"/login" <Login />

"/me" <Profile />

"/post" <Post />

"/blog/:id/edit" <Edit />

"/admin" <Admin />


Gets the latest blog created and sets the state to the fetched blog. If a blog exists, renders the BlogCard component with the appropriate title, desc and content. Until the blog gets fetched, a loading message is displayed. In case the user is not logged in, a login link is displayed after which the user would be able to post new blogs


Fetches a list of all blogs in the useEffect hook by making a call to the endpoint /blogs and sets the state to the fetched list. returns a list of BlogCards by passing the content, desc and thumbnail to the individual BlogCard


Used to post a new blog. Multiple states are created for blog items like content, desc, thumbnail, etc. A basic form is displayed for the user to enter all the blog details and the above state values are updated on every change of the input fields. on submit, setLoading is set to true and a post request is made to the endpoint /api/post. And useBearer hook is used to provide the authToken to authenticate the current user. Once the blog has been posted, useNaviagte hook is used to naviagte to the newly created blog /blog/:id


Used to display a single blog. useLocation hook is used to get the current id and a post request to /api/blog/:id is made in the useEffect hook by getting the authToken using the useBearer hook. All the blog details like title, thumbnail, etc are set on receipt of a response and are rednered appropriatly


Displays the username and the role first. Then, using a BlogCard, both public and private blogs of the user are displayed. useUid and useUsername are used to fetch the userId and the userName. useBearer hook is used to refresh the current token. Further, the list of blogs of the current user are fetched in the useEffect hook by my making a request to /api/blogs.


Input elements for username and password and a submit button are displayed on click of which a handler is invoked. In the handler, a post request to /auth/login is done and username and password are sent and on receiving the response, the authTokens and refreshTokens are saved to the localStorage


Input elements for username, password and confirm password are displayed. And a submit button is displayed onClick of which the handler is invoked. In the handler, a post request to /auth/signup is done with username, password and confPassword passed in the body of the request. Finally, a 201 response is received, the browser navigates to /login using the useNavigate hook.


Displays a list of userCards for each user fetched in the useEffect hook by making a request to /auth/users by passing a Authorization header using useBearer.


Used to edit and save an existing blog. First, a request is made to /api/blog/:id to get the current blog to be edited. On receiving a response, the input elements of the UI are populated. On click of the submit button in the form, a handler is invoked in which a PATCH API request is made to /api/blog/:id along with the updated blog details. Once the response is received, the browser navigates to /blog/id using a useNavigate hook.

Pseudo Components


Displays two buttons for edit and delete if the logged in user is either admin OR the blogOwner. Deletehandler opens up a confirm window clicking on which the blog is deleted and user is redirected to /me page. And edithandler redirects to the /blog/:id/edit page


Displays the thumbnail and title of the blog in a card. Clicking the card redirects to /blog/id.


Displays the navBar and redirects to different pages when clicked. Logout, Profile and Post pages navBtns are displayed only when user is authenicated. Admin navBtn is displayed only when the logged in user is an admin. Similarly, Login is displayed only when the user is not logged in.

Custom Hooks

Custom hooks are re-usable functions that can imported and reused inside any component


Checks if the user is logged in by accessing the tokens from the localStorage. If no tokens are found, retuns false. If any token found and the token is not expired, returns true. Else if the token has expired, returns false.


Checks if the role of the logged in user is admin. If yes, return true else return false.


Delete both the authToken and refreshToken to log the user out


Gets the access and refresh Tokens from the localStorage. If the tokens are not present, return false. Else if the tokens are present and the tokens have not expired, posts a request to /auth/token to refresh the token and returns the token in the form of Bearer <token>. Else if the tokens have been expired, returns false.


Gets the corresponding user id of the logged in user


Gets the corresponding user name of the logged in user

API Endpoints

Routes for /auth

POST /auth/login - EXtracts the username and password passed in the request body. A record is fetched from User model password is validated against the one fetched from mongo. If password is invalid, 401 is returned. If user was not found in mongo, 401 is returned. Two tokens authToken and refreshToken are generated and returned using a 200 status code

POST /auth/signup - Extracts the username, password, confirmPassword and checks if any of these are invalid string or are empty. If yes, returns a 401. If password length < 6 or username already exists in mongo or confPass and password dont match, return a 401. Create a new record in mongo using the given parameters and save it and return 201.

POST /auth/logout - todo

POST /auth/token - Extracts the token from the request and uses jwt.verify to extract userId from the token. Get the userdetails from the extracted id. Sign two tokens authToken and refreshToken and send it

GET /auth/users - Use the verification service to check if user is authenticated and the user is an admin. If yes, fetch all the users from mongo and return a 200 along with the fetched users. 400 is returned in case of a bad request.

Routes for /blogs

GET /api/blogs - Fetches a list of all blogs which are public. Returns a 400 for bad request

GET /blogs/latest - Fetches the latest blog and retuns it. Returns a 400 for a bad request

POST /blogs - If the user role is not admin or blogOwner, throws a 401. Else gets both private and public blog by the user and returns a 200

POST /post - Saves the blog with the given details to mongo and returns a 400 for bad request

GET /blog/:id - If the requested blog is public, then returns it. Else, if the blog is private, checks for the userId of the requested user. If it's admin or the blogOwner, returns the blog else returns 403. If the blog is not found, throws a 403

DELETE /blog/:id - If the requested user is admin or the blogOwner, then deletes it and returns 200. If the blog is not found OR the current user is not the blogOwner, returns 403

PATCH /blog/:id - If the requetsed user is admin or blogOwner, then updates the blog in mongo. Else, if requested user is not the admin or blogOwner, throws a 403. If the blog is not found, throws a 403

Verification service

Consists of two methods isAuthenicated and isAuthorized which act as middleware and perform few actions on the request before the request reaches the /api or /auth routes.

isAuthenticated - Checks if the authorization header is set. If yes, checks if the bearer token is avaialble. If yes, decodes the token and extracts the username and saves the username to the request and passes it forward. If any of the above conditions are not met, throws a 401

isAuthorized - Checks if the role of the current user is admin. If not, returns a 403



title - String

description - String

content - String

timestamp - Date

isPublic - Boolean

thumbnail - String

userId - String


username - String

role - String

hash - String

salt - String

timestamp - Date


This project uses render as the default service for deploying the application. First, the backend npm modules are installed and then the frontend is built which creates a /build folder that is copied to the backend main folder and the /build folder is statically served from the backend. This is the main use of the build command. Finally, the service is started in nodemon in dev mode and is started from node in prod mode.


Render is setup by providing the link to the github repo and the .env variables are provided. Later, the option for auto-deploy when commit to main branch is turned on and a URL link is generated. The service spins down after 15mins of inactivity and spins-up again after it's hit with a new request


Used github actions initially to build, deploy and start npm package hosted on render. Currently, using render's built-in service to auto build, deploy and start on every commit to the main branch. workflows/main.yml takes care of bunping up the patch number and pushing the tag so that new release can be rolled out