I love 🛍️
- Python 2.7. x or 3.4. x.
- easy_install and Pip.
- Git.
- virtualenv.
- Django.
- Database (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.)
- Text editor (Sublime, vim, Komodo, gedit)
- Grab a copy of the project.
- Create a virtual environment and install dependencies.
- Enter your database settings in
- Initialize your database.
- Run the development server to verify everything is working..
git clone ecommerce.git
mkvirtualenv ecommerce
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./ syncdb
python ./ migrate
If your app has a custom user model, you'll need to create a new superuser for the admin.
python ./ createsuperuser
python ./ runserver
- MySql - Backend
- Django - Python Web framework to handle th backend application layer
- Bootstrap -The CSS framework was used to build the front-end
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