- 🌱 I’m currently working as a Software Developer at Basil, Gurgaon.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://vijaysingh8650.github.io/
💬 Ask me about react
📫 How to reach me rathorevijay995@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Developers need one laptop and internet connectivity only to survive
Lovoda is a women's fashion brand website that deals with earrings, rings, bags, necklaces, bracelets and many more established in 2012 in the city of Baltimore, Maryland.
- End-to-end product purchasing flow. From signing in to Adding items to the cart, increasing their quantity, and deleting items.
- Integrated with the backend using heroku and git.
Area of responsibility
- Created homepage to the cart section .
- Implemented Every functionality like authentication filter, adding, deleting and changing quantity in cart section.
Cricbuzz is an Indian cricket website which features news, articles, live scores of matches, videos.
- It updates you with the current matches, their scores, past matches and more details about each and every match.
- It also updates you regarding the match news through pictures and videos.
Area of responsibility
- Created homepage to show some news related to the matches and the current matches and their socres.
- Implemented functionality using ES6 (import and export features) to make the code more clean.