EliteShell is a Windows desktop application/game designed for users to practice PowerShell cmdlets for Windows and Windows Server administration and daily tasks. For each correct answer, users receive points that they can use to 'buy' other PowerShell system administration scripts from GitHub. These solved practice problems, answers, time, date, and points are stored in a csv file that is created when the user prompts to start a new game. It also contains non-PowerShell practice problems for general IT concepts, such as the OSI Model and Windows Registry. Currently, the practice concepts are:
Windows General
Windows Registry
Active Directory
Click File, New Game, and name the corresponding 'game store file' (will create a csv file on desktop) that will store points and correct answers that the user achieves.
Solve problems by selecting them from the dropdown and writing the correct PowerShell cmdlet or answer.
Track progress by viewing the 'Current Stats:' box on the right side of the screen, or get a more detailed summary of user progress by going to 'View Score + Stats'.
Problems that completed will change from blue to green on the dropdown. If clicked on, their titles will change from black to green with (COMPLETED) appended to them.