A minimal code editor, made with Python.
Do you not use Python? This editor, in it's beta release at least can run JavaScript, Lua, and Python.
Visit tags section.
Beta Versions (see non-exe installation)
Beta Versions are HEAVILY recommended, some things may not function however, worth attempts.
Don't trust the exe file, or on another OS? Follow these steps:
- Install Python (3.6+ should work)
- Download ZIP archive (from tag)
- Extract ZIP archive.
- Create shortcut to main.py at desktop, through the directory you had it installed.
Follow these steps, to have the best experience from the app:
- Install .exe file (otherwise follow header above)
- Put it inside a folder outside of desktop. Recommended: new folder in documents.
- Right click on desktop, press new and select shortcut.
- Click 'Browse' and find the main .exe file, make sure it's in a folder, and you know where you put it.
- Apply Changes
This app was written in Python, and for some cases it creates new files that it executes.
For example, you are using the beta release and you clicked 'Run as Lua', this will create a new file, and update it
whenever you attempt to run again as Lua.
This editor only uses standard/built-in Python libraries, so Ctrl+S
for now doesn't work.
There is probably a way to check for button presses using built-in libraries, but for now, I don't know.
Feel free to submit a pull request, or issue, if you know how, or find any bugs, for more info, visit CONTRIBUTING.md (it may not be there, but it will be)
Discord: https://discord.gg/qMUQKxC